By rileynautumn - 13/06/2011 19:04 - United States

Today, after a full shift at work, I got home to my boyfriend playing CoD, a full sink, crap all over the table, a full cat box, dirty bathroom, no laundry done and the kids at my parents' house. He yelled at me because the place was a mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 236
You deserved it 9 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Tell me his user, so I can butt **** him with the chopper.

Lazy. If he's living there too then he should take part in cleaning.


well it was double XP weekend!!! gezzz

He needs to get off of his lazy sexist ass and do some work. What a douche.

shadowolf1120 8

and this is why i dont play CoD

pretty_in_pink_1 0

It's your fault. You're the one dating the lazy guy. Find a better one with a job.

so?!? call of duty is more important than a full shift of work!!! pshhh!!

Is cod really THAT addicting? What do you do in the game?

blaketron89 0
cynthiaF 0

Break the COD disc maybe? :|

Stealthclaws 16

In most consoles, the disk just has the info for the game. The actual profiles and data are in the system itself. So break the Xbox instead ☺️

wait why aren't you in the kitchen jk your life sucks