By rileynautumn - 13/06/2011 19:04 - United States

Today, after a full shift at work, I got home to my boyfriend playing CoD, a full sink, crap all over the table, a full cat box, dirty bathroom, no laundry done and the kids at my parents' house. He yelled at me because the place was a mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 236
You deserved it 9 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Tell me his user, so I can butt **** him with the chopper.

Lazy. If he's living there too then he should take part in cleaning.


Stroke_Her_Ace 15

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FreshPairOfNikes 0
Stealthclaws 16

Forgive? The only thing that needs forgiving is you showing your ******* face on this app

Hammer940 7

what were you doing out of the kitchen in the first place

FreshPairOfNikes 0

What a dick. Even my boyfriend leaves COD to do things, even when I'm not there. Time to find a better guy, OP. Sorry ;

sounds like my house minus the kids add a 29, 27, 26, 53, and 23 year old slob with no jobs and me 22 with a job. woohoo. people suck and are so unappreciative

do you love your kids? I so, get out for their sake...they will be abused too, if not already.

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

There is no doubt the boyfriend is an inconsiderate prick but there's a pretty big gap between that and child abuse.

#125 - Do you not understand the broad concept of mental abuse?

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

Quite well actually. I never said it wasn't a possibility just that, that's quite a jump to make.

jus_roll_with_it 0

Actually, it's not a very big leap considering he dropped the kids off with her parents and he is screaming at her for his laziness. Mental abuse is a common issue among young couples and most women don't see it. When you belittle someone you are mentally abusing them, and screaming at someone is quite belittling.