By Grrrreat - 04/02/2015 15:16 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, after a heavy make-out session, my boyfriend and I discovered his lips bruise really easily. This wouldn't be a problem except he's been telling people I hit him. He thinks it's hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 057
You deserved it 4 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he goes to kiss you offer a handshake...

Steve95401 49

Bite his lips next time so that they will be both bruised and swollen.


kilarbos 14

Also known as "heteronormativity."

If your lips are bruised after making out, you're doing it wrong

Totally. It amazes me that so many people never check the details to see if the poster put their gender or location. I always see comments assuming the OP of whatever FML it is, is American when it clearly states otherwise sometimes.

Hahaha damn that's messed up but I'll probably do the same thing lol

What a ******* douche. That's not at all funny and can get you into serious trouble. Dump his ass. You deserve someone who DOESN'T think whining abuse as a prank is funny.

There's always that one comment telling the OP to dump their partner...

Axel5238 29

True and it is normally an over reaction though I think joking about spousal abuse isn't something to joke about especially, when them saying that as a joke could be taken seriously and actually impact their life should someone report it.

This is a serious issue. He could get locked up and have his future wrecked all by a joke. If I was in his shoes, I'd get out of that relationship immediately. His boyfriend should've use his brain and thought about what this could do to OP.

you already got Pre-approved. start hitting him for real and see if he still find it funny.

I bet his friends think the joke is a hit.

umm wtf. that's not funny at all and you can get involved with the cops for it...