By Grrrreat - 04/02/2015 15:16 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, after a heavy make-out session, my boyfriend and I discovered his lips bruise really easily. This wouldn't be a problem except he's been telling people I hit him. He thinks it's hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 057
You deserved it 4 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he goes to kiss you offer a handshake...

Steve95401 49

Bite his lips next time so that they will be both bruised and swollen.


My Windows Phone app doesn't show location.

My boyfriend was in a motorcycle accident a few months ago and we were telling everyone that I hit him for not making me sandwich. We had fun with it and people got a laugh once we told them the truth. If it really bothers you though, you should talk to him about it making you uncomfortable.

That's not funny and is very strange behavior. Domestic violence is no laughing matter so I don't know why he would think it would be funny to tell people that he's a victim, basically. Does he want people to think you are a bad person, or is he actually joking and didn't think they believed him?

Thors_Hammer9999 17

Let's just hope his penis doesn't turn purple as well.

MistaBlista 9

Next time he pulls that, tell people you hit him because he cheated on you with the poolboy.

He does realize domestic violence isn't funny? Does he WANT people to hate you? Geez. FYL and let him know it offends you. Also, if you are under 18 someone can report you for assault. Over 18 he would have to file for it

you should smash your face into a door, then tell people the same, that he hits you, see how funny he finds it loo