By crazyhair docare - 08/07/2019 16:00

Today, after a lifetime of weaves and extensions, I felt brave enough to wear my natural hair to work. As soon as I clocked in, my manager yelled, “Holy shit! What happened to you? Stick your finger in a socket or something?” I was then sent home for being, “Out of uniform.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 503
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the freaking eff... The ONLY time a boss should have ANYTHING to say about ANYONE'S hair ever is if it's food service (or mechanics and long/loose hair can be a hazard) and you haven't got it covered up. Full stop.


Sounds like you're a fellow black woman to me so if you were sent home for your afro being "out of uniform" then you should sue because that's blatant racism.

I believe that could be a lawsuit for sending you home.