By spilum_endalaust - 20/05/2009 13:24 - United States

Today, after a long night of cramming for an extensive Anatomy final (detailed diagrams included), I check the senior final schedule to find that Anatomy is not till tomorrow, but I take Calculus in 10 minutes. This is followed by an e-mail from my teacher saying I can exempt Anatomy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 472
You deserved it 16 335

spilum_endalaust tells us more.

spilum_endalaust 0

Hey, I did check my final schedule, I just happened to switch the time and day for Calculus and Anatomy. My fault definitely, but still not fun when you realize you're going to be late for an exam you didn't study for.

Top comments

bonafidehustler 0

#1: Then why're you bothering to comment on it?


mynameisnotjudie 0

awwww that sucks = ( Good luck with caculus, I suppose? = /

snavula 0

Calculus 1 is insanely easy and so you shouldn't freak out. You got exempt from the hard one so not so much FYL. # 61. That doesn't mean # 60 didn't go to college but it 'obviously' means that you are pretty condescending. Not everyone gets stressed out over tests. Some people have something called 'confidence' and so they don't get their panties in a bunch over finals. Besides, everyone bitching about how the OP had a lack of sleep attributing to it is also a YDI. Everyone knows not to study all night before, its pointless.

That absolutely sucks o.o I'm taking DE Calculus right now :D Dually enrolled with a college n I'm a junior in HS :D Hope you did well!...or atleast passed

You definitely deserved that one mate... even on little to no sleep you should know when your finals are. And anatomy diagrams aren't as extensive as a practical with random things labeled in cadavers, good luck to you if you decide to take anatomy in professional or graduate school!

Dude...that DOES suck. FYL. I hope you passed the test =/. Eat a cookie, it might make you feel better. Cookie!

Skinny89 0

That's a relief, but good luck!

Ouch. But if it makes you feel any better, I fear that that might happen to me as well! How'd it go?

hehe, long night of cramming extensive anatomy... I feel ya ;)

Hey, #21! It's my birthday too! Many happy returns :)