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By Anonymous - 21/02/2011 00:19 - United Kingdom

Today, at my strictly Catholic grandmother's funeral, I was made to sit in the row behind the rest of the family, because I was born out of wedlock and wasn't a 'real' member. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 950
You deserved it 2 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I’d like to see her explain that at the pearly white gates.

kingtz 6

What a ****** up family. Remember this day and how they ostracized you should you ever win the lottery and they come begging for money.


Wow, I’d like to see her explain that at the pearly white gates.

why wasn't it your parents and not you? ah, Catholics

ArthursLifeSucks 2

Agreed. Not the OP's fault. It's the slutty mom's fault.

I assume it would be a really traditional catholic thing. Some people get too carried away with the fine details and routines. It frustrates me.

This is the 21st century. A lot of people have sex before marriage. That doesn't make the mom a ****. And even if it did, why is the mom a **** and the dad isn't anything?

hold it, #97. having a child out of wedlock does NOT make you a ****... at all.

Acousticpixie14 6
hatepineapple 14
Kefka91 15

Never gonna go around and hurt you~ Was I just Rick Rolled? Like.. Does typing it count too? LOL. I can't lose the game because I lost it a few minutes ago.<3

" never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Say good bye.....

skate4life753 0

Well, good thing the bitch is dead now, isn't it?

kingtz 6

What a ****** up family. Remember this day and how they ostracized you should you ever win the lottery and they come begging for money.

This is so sad! Just because you were born out of wedlock doesn't mean your not part of the family! I'm not familiar with Catholic traditions but this is suprising! Plus OP don't feel bad, I was born out of wedlock (techniqually) then adopted. I'm still part of my family 100%

mad_hatter0666 22

I agree about OP still being a part of the family. I don't understand why people let their religious values dictate their life; especially when it hurts others. My sister and I have the same mom but different dads. Just because she is my "half sister" doesn't make her any less of my sibling. I never refer to her as my half sister; I always just say "my sister."It simply doesn't make sense to me not to. If they had done that to me at the funeral I would have said "**** you" and walked out.

kbeverly07 1

I think she was talking to me Hahah :) I am from the one and only Nashville! But yes I agree with you guys. I am Christian (Lutheran) and I have never heard of this. Then again, it may have just been the grandmothers wishes.

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you're right, genocide is always the best answer. nothing fixes the world like a nice old genocide!

A genocide against believers would actually be a great help against the overpopulation...and then the agnosts would rule the world! No, just kidding.

Education would work better than violence. But don't worry, religion is dying out slowly but surely.

sparta98 4

MY ignorance? Do you understand how old the Bible is? It's a work of fiction that has people basing their entire lives on it. It's an excellent book that everyone ought to read, but nothing more.

Agreed. Religion will be the death of mankind.

^^^^^ that is your belief so please keep it to yourself, and you may believe it to be a work of fiction, but to many it is a work of fact, like a history book, so please don't get all anti religious on us

gabrielleangeliq 0

There is nothing fundamentally wrong with a following a religion; most of it teaches good morals, "treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated" etc. It has been the motive to many horrible but it has also produced great leaders, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. etc. Religion's biggest flaw is humanity.

#8, if that was the case, won't all the criminals and Satan worshippers be left? I for one don't want to get my hide sacrificed, I don't know if that's your lifetime goal.

i am also a Christian (baptist, not westboro thankfully) and i have heard there is more evidence that Jesus existed than julius ceasor, and phrophecys defining unchangeable facts about him (eg. time of birth, ahir colour or something like that) before he was born

Religion would be all very nice because it provides hope to lots of people and it teaches good morals (treat others well, don't steal, help the poor, etc.), but it also can be very bigoted (other religions are wrong, gays are wrong, children born out of wedlock are wrong) and deal only with extremes (you are going to heaven or to hell). If religion could be modernized to be more accepting there would be no problem.

36: Right, because everyone who isn't religious is either a criminal or Satan worshipper. :P Also, if someone *worships* Satan, wouldn't that also be a religion? :P

@#36 Um...just so you know, factual evidence shows that the majority of people in prison are Christian. So im not worried about that. As for satan worshippers...they're just as fruity and I think if all religion was abolished nobody would have as many problems.

ummm... I'm a christian and I'm ok with gay people. actually my whole church is ok with gay people. so ummm yeah

yes, you would know that due to your extensive research and credentials to back up your claim. the 150 million atheists in the world will have so much verses the 5.85 billion theists

roydawgg 3

#89 your crap group of mask wearers deserve to be abolished more than any religion

ArthursLifeSucks 2

It is? To me it looks like it's getting stronger and more vocal all the time. Much to my dismay...

"that is your belief so please keep it to yourself, and you may believe it to be a work of fiction, but to many it is a work of fact" Oh please, shut up. You may belief strongly in your religion, and that's totally acceptable as long as you don't harm other people, but don't act like the Bible is a fact. It is a work of fiction, with some historical facts in it, but still, fiction. The world is not created in six days, God didn't give Moses the stone tablets, Jezus didn't rise from the dead, and so on and so on. Sometimes I really don't understand why people prefer fiction above facts. Well, it's not that difficult to understand, but still, logical thinking, scientific proof and common sense has much more value to me. It's a mystery to me why people would ignore all of those to believe in a happier world.

Djee - EXACTLY. *prepares to get voted down* Seriously, people. This is going to turn into a novel, I'm sure, so prepare yourself. I will try to condense this as much as possible. Anyway, religion can be good OR bad. With the current state of the world, religion is more bad than good. Pros: It teaches morals and helps us learn right from wrong (though this can be done without the aid of religion. It's simply a catalyst). There is also a great sense of belonging between members of any religion. People also like the fact that there's something to look forward to after death. Whether an afterlife exists or not, we probably will never know. But, it puts a lot of people at ease to know that there might be. Cons: Suicide bombings, mass genocides, discrimination, inequalities, people all assume their religion is better than anyone else's (causing more violence and tension). Surely I haven't listed all the pros and cons; I know there are plenty more but I don't want to monopolize the page. You guys can already see (hopefully) the point I am trying to make. If people would be more realistic, they would see that most, if not all of the Bible is fake, for lack of a better word. Really, Noah was what? 900 years old? Had a kid around that age? Yeah, no. A 40 day flood? Yeah, no. There's also no real proof that Jesus ever existed, despite what one of you posted earlier. The entire world being made in 6 days? Yeah, definitely not. There's scientific evidence that the world is millions of years old, not 4000-5000 like the Bible claims. Note that I am not trying to bash the bible and tell you everything that's wrong with it. My point in mentioning all this is to tell you that the bible should be used for entertainment purposes and the parables in it should have some morals etc you can use in your life. I'm trying to get you to see that most of it isn't necessary for every day life, but that there are things you can take from it. These stories about Cain and Abel, and Noah? Pish-posh. The story of the Good Samaritan teaches people to help those in need. Damn right, we should. How many Christians do you see who refuse to help a person because he's of a different faith? IME, I see many every day. The entire point of religion is to live your lives to its absolute fullest and to treat others well. The point of religion is certainly not to create dividers between people; it's not meant to wreak havoc on any society and create tension or violence. Though, that's what it's done... TL;DR - Religion CAN be good, but is rarely used for good. The entire point of religion is to live your lives to its absolute fullest and to treat others well. The point of religion is certainly not to create dividers between people; it's not meant to wreak havoc on any society and create tension or violence. Though, that's what it's done...

brighteyes81 0

Everyone especially 103: I believe telling someone their religion and book it's based on is a work of fiction makes you just as bad as the religious crusades/killings. You preach how religion is evil because it's intollerant and hurts people, then you act intollerantly and hurt people. I think the values that many religions promote have helped an astronomical amount of people and have shaped our nations. The problem comes in where people take it too far, which happens. Even if it is a bunch of bs that people made up to make their existance meaningful and purposeful and keeps down anarchy and behaviors such as murdering, stealing, etc then what do you care? I think it's great that people have something to believe in whether or not there's proof. Btw 103 there is no such thing as proof in science. Science simply does not deal with spirituality. I believe that all paths to spirituality can help save a persons life to some extent. If I can see this and be tolerant of others beliefs and I'm an atheist...why can't you look at it from an objective view and see the good?

106 - I do look at it objectively which is why I compared the pros and cons. Unfortunately, my POV doesn't match up with yours. Religion hasn't done much in general to prevent murders, suicides, and general hate towards anyone. In fact, it's widened the gap between people. There's more hate because people discriminate against people who are of a different faith. That's just fact. I am not saying religion is evil, I am saying that it CAN be good (verbatim). You're missing some crucial facts. I am tolerant of those who follow a religion, more so than most people. I am not tolerant of people who perform mercy killings and the like "in the name of religion". There is definitely proof in science, and you should check that out. The world is millions of years old. People CANNOT live to be 900 years old, and especially cannot bear children at such an age. Our life span has INCREASED over the last x number of years, meaning people didn't even live to be 60 hundreds of years ago. Care to explain that one? You're wrong. Science does deal with spirituality since there have been experiments done to prove whether or not there is an afterlife. There have been similar experiments but I won't get into it here since this post is already too long. I am not preaching and saying religion is bad, if you cared to read my full comment. I am telling you (and everyone else) that religion has been a cause for more evil than good, but that's not what religion is meant for. Religion is meant to be good but has been misused, obviously. If you care to believe in religion, that's your prerogative. But, don't bash me because I don't believe in a religion and see no good in it. You can still believe in a religion AND be objective in terms of the Bible, Qu'ran (sp?), etc. You can follow a religion to the fullest without ever having read or paid any heed to the Bible. Sorry, but that's fact once again. In my POV and through a lot of research, I believe that the Bible is not fact (though there may be SOME factual stories in there) but is meant to DIRECT people and give them an idea on how to live their lives. Do you really believe the bible is pure fact? Look at it objectively, like you told me to do. You might change your mind. Edit: I said basically the same things as Djee, which is why I answered. Djee may have a different opinion/comment, and that's fine.

Acousticpixie14 6

I read as much as I could before you all started repeating yourselves. I'm a "Christian." 1) In my eyes, the Bible is FACT. Why? Because it is based on the FACT that there is a GOD out there who made those things possible. 2) Why the Hell would you go and just trash someone's belief system? That's about as low as a human can get, in my opinion. So what if they believe something different than you. All that is accomplished by talking down about their "religion" is you make yourself look ignorant, intolerant, and morally damaged. Honestly, anyone who puts up such a big fight against Christianity looks jaded in my opinion. Something happened to make you all bitter and so now you take it out on those who believe as you once did. 3) It's actually kind of all you atheists out there...if you wanna talk about who's right or wrong about what's out there, I've got some logic for you... If you're right, well then I'm still a-okay in terms of death and what comes after. If I'm right, well then you're just screwed aren't you?

@ your second point - Uh... we weren't all born Christian, or of any faith for that matter. Some of us were brought up without having been exposed to religion. Knowing that, not everyone had "something happen" that made them turn their backs on God. You just made yourself sound ignorant.

Acousticpixie14 6

Yeah, I did phrase that in a way that makes it look like I was talking about every single non-Christian, didn't I? That was accidental, I just woke up, my brain is a bit foggy &gt;.&lt; I know many weren't raised Christian. I was raised Wiccan actually. So tell me, what is a reason for being so outright rude to an entire group of people for believing something different than yourself?

I think you're missing my point entirely. Instead of typing a novel explaining why, it's probably easier for us both if I just copied quotes from my older posts. So, here they are - "Religion CAN be good, but is rarely used for good. The entire point of religion is to live your lives to its absolute fullest and to treat others well. The point of religion is certainly not to create dividers between people; it's not meant to wreak havoc on any society and create tension or violence. Though, that's what it's done..." "Religion hasn't done much in general to prevent murders, suicides, and general hate towards anyone. In fact, it's widened the gap between people. There's more hate because people discriminate against people who are of a different faith. That's just fact. I am not saying religion is evil, I am saying that it CAN be good (verbatim). You're missing some crucial facts. I am tolerant of those who follow a religion, more so than most people. I am not tolerant of people who perform mercy killings and the like "in the name of religion"." "I am not preaching and saying religion is bad, if you cared to read my full comment. I am telling you (and everyone else) that religion has been a cause for more evil than good, but that's not what religion is meant for. Religion is meant to be good but has been misused, obviously. If you care to believe in religion, that's your prerogative. But, don't bash me because I don't believe in a religion and see no good in it. You can still believe in a religion AND be objective in terms of the Bible, Qu'ran (sp?), etc. You can follow a religion to the fullest without ever having read or paid any heed to the Bible. Sorry, but that's fact once again. In my POV and through a lot of research, I believe that the Bible is not fact (though there may be SOME factual stories in there) but is meant to DIRECT people and give them an idea on how to live their lives." I hope that helps you understand that I'm not bashing people's religions and just telling you how I see things. I'm trying to say that as a whole, people who follow a religion tend to bash others.

Acousticpixie14 6

If they're bashing, then they're not "following a religion." There are these things called posers, every "religion" has them.

Don't most religions teach that their particular teachings are the only correct teachings? Christianity does it. If you're taught that only your religion is the right one, that's still discrimination. Hate of others from a different faith stems from that.

"1) In my eyes, the Bible is FACT. Why? Because it is based on the FACT that there is a GOD out there who made those things possible." In my eyes, Don Quixote is FACT. Why? Because it is based on the FACT that WINDMILLS are wicked!, they aren't. And God - like Osiris, Zeus, Jupiter, the Holy Tree, Odin, God, Jahweh, Allah...etc. - does not excist. Oops, my mistake. It's also very funny that I am compared to a murdering crusader, whilst I even don't mind that you believe in something fake. I just find it plain stupid. If you have the right to say that the Bible is a fact (*laughs inside*), then I certainly have the right to verbally fight against it.

Alright guys, I think that pretty much covers it... Obviously nobody on either side of the fence is going to change their mind here, so let's free the place up for on-topic comments, and take what we will from what has been said. :)

More silly militant atheists... stereotyping all religions and all believers... then proposing "solutions" that are identical to the problems that they blame on religions. Retards.

variable66 0

wow you must have spent an hour on this reply

variable66 0

I have always enjoyed your profile pic. you should take it outside or have less background clutter for awesomeness

Acousticpixie14 6

Out of deepest respect for our mods, I do have one FINAL note... Hate stems from arrogance. I think my way is the right way, yes, but I think others can think differently than me. I don't look down on anyone with a different opinion or argue my beliefs with them. I have never seen a non-"Christian" get picked on for their faith, or hated for it in everyday life. I always see "Christians" get picked on. Sure, we're taught that our way is the right way, but above all else, we're taught to love everyone around us. So tell me, how do hate and discrimination stem from love? As I said...if anyone is "bashing" it's a poser. I'm not trying to convert anyone, I honestly believe that that's not my job. My job is to witness through my actions and leave the rest to God. I am only trying to get people to stop hating, 'cause that's all I see going on here. Let people believe what they want and (DJeePee) stop being jerks about your opinions. Seriously, I'm one of the most petty people on here starting arguments just for argument's sake and you don't see me starting comment wars over religion, do you? Now why would you want to stoop BELOW my level?

janise 2

@ yuggil: What does Satan worshipers and criminals have to do with #8's comment?

hanniegirl 0

shut up. the world would be know where with out Catholics, don't be so ignorant.

hanniegirl 0

who ever raised you must of been on crack

I thought Sirin stopped this a while ago. Do none of you have respect for authority around here? If you wish to continue this debate, feel free to PM me with whatever you're on about here.

Hmm, that or get a room and work your tensions out that way. I'd rather not close the comments on this FML, because frankly, people PM'ing me on this French website to whine about how much of a fascist, communist, socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-free speech, anti-US Constitution censor I am gets on my **** and greatly annoys me, but I will consider doing it if anyone wants to try continuing this slap-fest again.

Kastrel 1

since the wars for land have ended.... every war is religon based one day the world will burn because of one religon feeling superior over one another like this case Catholics think they are holier than thou and another religon will eventually try to eradicate that from here thus leading to all out religous warzone of uneducated dumbasses who follow their book rather than their heart and soul...

Laurennic 2

How do you know that in bible times people considered certain amounts Of time more or less than we do now? For all you know they could've considered a year to be 100days and a day 20hours,I don't know there are a lot of things That are hard to understand in the bible but that doesn't make it fictio

LET ME NERD AT YOU I KNOW ABOUT THIS So 'historical' Jesus was a guy named Yeshua Ben Yosef, a Jewish rabbi in the Middle East in Roman-era times; he never actually wrote down any of what he said. His followers established Christianity, and wrote the Gospels after he died (about 40-60 years later), in a style popular of Rome: They kind of just made Jesus, the character, say whatever they thought. The Revelations was also written in a particular style; it was a coded message about the end of the Roman Empire, not the end of the world. We can reconstruct some of Yeshua Ben Yosef's teachings, and they're mostly the 'take care of people because that's what loving God means' stuff. The Old Testament is heavily-edited Bronze Age Judaism--it's really out of context, so that's not stuff you're supposed to use anymore, which is why you eat shellfish and wear mixed fibers. For more on this, you can read Hell and Heaven: The Origins of the Afterlife (it *is* written by an atheist shilling for atheism, but his sources are impeccable) or go to your local library and ask for resources on historical Biblical study.

Acousticpixie14 6

That's awful! How can your mother let them do that?! If anyone EVER singled out my son for being born out of wedlock, I'd have a fit! FYL, OP. And screw your "family." Surround yourself with people who truly do love and respect you.

How old are you, you look like your 16 or 17? If you are, oh well none of my business.

Acousticpixie14 6

I'm the one on the left...and when that picture was taken, yes I was 17. That was opening night of The Dark Knight. As if you can really tell how old I face is covered in stage makeup...

sourgirl101 28

So your grandmother always made you feel like you were part of the family when she was alive? It doesn't sound like it's her fault. Blame the person that told you to sit there. FYL for not having parents sticking up for you. Technically they're the ones that committed the "sin".

sarawwh 0

can someone please explain to me why she deserved this?

That's the thing. She didn't. It's similar to the notion that disabled people are God's way of punishing the parents. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. oV0