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By UnluckyGroom - 09/06/2012 23:04 - United States - East Wenatchee

Today, after a long night of partying, I fell asleep, while my bride was delivering her vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 141
You deserved it 59 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because it is a bachelors party it doesn't mean you should go out and get so overly drunk you have issues the following day. Do people forget they have to stand, infront of hundreds of people in some cases, and get married? YDI completely, hopefully you can come up with a good excuse to your new wife. I feel really bad for her.


Can't help but fell sad for the lady

I would have laughed so hard if my husband did that. He did his real bachelor party a week before the wedding and we did a group thing the night before, playing paintball. So the only day after issues we had at the wedding was a bruise or two. But most of my wedding party played on a tournament team together and we were out of town near a unique field. Couldn't resist. Good luck op. hope your new wife has a sense of humor.

To be honest, if there is someone without humor, it's you. "Today is a very special day, a (hopefully) 'once in a lifetime' moment: I'm getting married! Oh, look, my husband fell asleep on the altar! Hehe, he's so hilarious!" Not.

No we just have a good relationship where things don't have to be perfect at a party. I know for some, weddings are what they dream of. I never did. I dreamed of a strong relationship. In fact, if my family didn't want the wedding so bad, we would have done the courthouse. In some cases, not all, weddings are done more for your loved ones then you. That happened to be my case. We kept outs very small and very light. So yes, I would have laughed. If I was someone who dreamt of a fancy wedding and got it, I would not have found it funny. But at how we did ours, it would have been. We had a jimmy Buffett theme and just went with whatever the day threw at us. We did not need to exchange vows to know how we felt about each other and including dating we have been together for 20 years. And are stronger then most couples I know. Everyone and every situation is different and I do hope that op and his new bride have a strong enough relationship and know how they truly cherish each other to be able to see humor and move past mistakes. Because Buffett was right when he said if we couldn't laugh we would all go insane.

You know, I'm not a wedding person either, but if I would engage in one, I still would be mad and sad if my boyfriend fell asleep during it. Nice for you that you can laugh such things away, but the majority of people take a marriage serious (or atleast the altar part). Doesn't mean they have no humor, aye?

No, not at all. Everyone is different is all. Me and my husband met when we worked news. We saw people at their worst. We stood next to cops and paramedics at crime and accident scenes. We do have a different outlook on life and don't sweat the small stuff. What one considers small may not be the same for someone else. But I still stand by I would have laughed if he did it. About two years ago I went to a wedding of two friends getting married. She is the type who was planning this since she was a kid. If her spouse did it I would have thwapped him. I do think my husband and his best man planned his party the week before so such things wouldn't happen. I've personally never understood the parties the night before the wedding. Too much can go wrong. But to each their own.

Think she should be the one writing this FML.

Your wife must have been horrified. I am sorry but you need to be more considerate of the people around you. Yes, you wanted your last night of freedom to be fun, but logical people either plan a reserved celebration with friends the night before and get in at a reasonable hour so they aren't miserable during the service. My brother had his bachelor party two nights before the wedding, then we all went out for drinks the night before and we in bed by midnight for a 3 p.m wedding the next day. I hope you had fun, but if I were your wife I would feel so disrespected at the moment. It is one thing to party... but some girls (the ones who plan the big weddings) tend to put a lot of effort into the day. All you had to do was show up, look lovingly into her eyes and have fun with it. So months of planning was wasted because you were wasted as well. I can't imagine you were wide awake and taking in all the joy of bonding with your new wife. You have the whole honeymoon to get drunk with your wife and have hot sex... but couldn't spare one night to make sure your wife wasn't embarrassed in front of her friends? Nice.

"Yes, you wanted your last night of freedom to be fun" This is one mentality that I'm completely unable to understand. "Your last night of freedom", djeezes, it's a marriage, not a prison. Everyone who considers a marriage as a lost of freedom, shouldn't get married, imho.

47, I'm sure many people just say it as a figure of speech. but both male and female probably get at least one single friend who think marriage is stupid and will try to convince that either of them are not officially a couple yet so they can still sleep with the hooker. but I do agree, they do make marriage sound like a death sentence.

47- i agree, i for one wont be able to sleep the night before my wedding cos il be too excited, not thinking 'oh god, im a prisoner'

"but both male and female probably get at least one single friend who think marriage is stupid and will try to convince that either of them are not officially a couple yet so they can still sleep with the hooker." Euhm, do you really have a friend like that? Someone who thinks relationships aren't official till the marriage? Really? Boy, am I glad I'm a friendless loner.

I don't actually know anybody who thinks getting married is a "death sentence"... the hen/stag parties for my fiance and I were more about going out and having fun with our friends before we became "the couple" (i.e., people feel awkward if they don't invite us both out together)... because really, we haven't been single for a really long time...

Corilee13 7

I actually do know someone like that. My sister-in-law's boyfriend cheats on her at least twice a month and his excuse is always "What? It's not like we're married." They've been together 6 years this year and he still does that. But I guess she deserves it because she does nothing about it even though she hates it.

F your bride's life would be more appropriate. This is why you shouldn't party in the week before the wedding.

Maybe because English is not my first language. But from how the fml is worded, did any of you think that the case can be that OP was getting drunk married? As in he was not planning on getting married but he got so wasted and married an equally drunken woman? You know, like what we see in movies? No? Just me? Okay.jpg

That would probably only ever happen in Vegas

I feel sorry for OP's maybe wife. Idk how I would handle that. I might beat him down on the alter with my flowers and storm out, were it me. YDI, but your bride doesnt. You suck.

perdix 29

Doesn't matter, she doesn't have to keep any of those vows anyways. All that happened is you just gave away half your shit and she can now officially use sex as a weapon. Gratz, dude.

The bachelor party is for doing something a little racy before you get married like hire a stripper and drink a little booze or beer with your friends. In any case, a wedding should be planned for the afternoon, like 3-4 PM so incase you were drinking too much you have a chance to sober up before you get married.

And by saying that, you imply that bachelor party > wedding. No sir, you don't 'sober up' on one of the most important days in your life, you simply don't get wasted the day beforehand. Besides of that: stripper = nono. Another thing I don't seem to understand: you plan to marry the (wo)man you truely love and you spend the night beforehand watching how some stripper is sexing you up. I would spend that night with amazing 'tomorrow we will probably be too tired' sex with my partner. Oh, I must be one boring girl.

64- I completely agree with you. I never understood the meaning of those parties.