By adamclmns - 16/07/2011 22:52 - United States

Today, after a stressful week, I spent my last few dollars on some comfort food. Later, my roommate's girlfriend came over and helped herself to my juice, drinking it straight from the bottle. I'm such a germaphobe, I can't bring myself to even take a sip. It's a full bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 255
You deserved it 15 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I ******* hate it when people drink from the container; I don't give a **** about germs, learn some goddamn manners! Especially if you don't live there/aren't family.

Just poke a hole in the side of the bottle and drain it out into a bowl or something. It won't have to go past the Infected Area of the bottle.


firestone75 0

ok wait wait I the only one who doesn't get what "comfort foods" and juice have in common????

yes. Comfort food preferences probably differ from person to person.

XxbrokeNCYDExX 6

lolgermaphobes. I love drinking out of the bottle and pissing off germaphobes. It's like IRL trolling.

OP, you know what else? She probably touched the doorknobs too. And didn't wash her hands after using the toilet. FYL.

ArielTheMermaid 17

jut drink the freaking juice

Jujubilee 1

that is so fcking rude and disrespectful!! that's not her home let alone her juice! be one of those roommates that label everything, because clearly you have to! and I would actually say something to her too.

I used to label everything I bought! It didn't work, apparently guys ignore it anyway.. and yes I say guys because there were 2 guys and another girl, it was ALWAYS the guys that took my stuff!

Jujubilee 1

literally made me LoL! thumbs up for you! ahahaha

stop being so overly paranoid and wipe off the god damn bottle.