By adamclmns - 16/07/2011 22:52 - United States

Today, after a stressful week, I spent my last few dollars on some comfort food. Later, my roommate's girlfriend came over and helped herself to my juice, drinking it straight from the bottle. I'm such a germaphobe, I can't bring myself to even take a sip. It's a full bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 255
You deserved it 15 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I ******* hate it when people drink from the container; I don't give a **** about germs, learn some goddamn manners! Especially if you don't live there/aren't family.

Just poke a hole in the side of the bottle and drain it out into a bowl or something. It won't have to go past the Infected Area of the bottle.


I was wondering the same thing. I can't think of any kind of juice that would be considered comfort food - the first problem being that I consider food to be something that is solid. The only juice that would ever comfort me would have to have some liquor in it.

KRS_13 0

im a germaphobe too :P i feel ya. but still pour the bottle into another cup or something.

suck it up butter cup like they say what won't kill u will make u stronger

StudMuffinette 17

Make him by u a new one, his girl = his fault

fmluser57 0

don't be such a bitch and take a ****** drink

I hate germaphobes. So complicated about everything it's so annoying. Honest thoughts

Stop being a pansy and wipe it off with a napkin.

dancerNsinger4li 0

If she has hepatitis or herpes or anything else will that make it go away...yea didn't think so smart ass. You should probably check to see if you have any STIs because from your comment it seems you are very careless about that kind of stuff.

If she has all these diseases do you think the roommate would be comfortable doing certain things with her? Sharing a drink with someone isn't that big of a deal nowadays and a lot of people do it. I agree that it was very rude of her to drink from his juice carton, but he doesn't need to make such a big ******* deal out of something so small.

dancerNsinger4li 0
ReynshineCutting 10

You do know what a phobia is right? It's an irrational fear that you can't control so OP can't just "get over it". Morons.

What? A phobia is something you can't get over? Shit, thank you for clarifying that up with me. I had no ******* idea. Ass.

firestone75 0

ok wait wait I seriously the only one who doesn't get what comfort foods and juice have in common???