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By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 06:29 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I shut one of my breasts in my car door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 102
You deserved it 10 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's like when dudes sit on their balls. there are no winnings...except for the inanimate objects I suppose


that's like when dudes sit on their balls. there are no winnings...except for the inanimate objects I suppose

Or zip up their fly and it snags their pubes or worse...

is any anyone else as confused by #57 as I am?!?

57 almost confuses me as much as how somebody could snag a tit in a door... That takes some mad skills in my opinion

It's pretty easy for guys to sit on their balls. I don't think it's that easy to close your car door on your boob. I have a feeling OP might wanna look into a breast reduction... Hope you didn't close it too hard.

actually, i dont sitting on your.balls is common in people under 70

challan 19

if your balls are full, is it more common to sit on them? I would imagine freshly emptied balls easier to carry around. hmmm... I may have ball envy. As for Op... I hope she wasn't lactating. I see an erupted milk jug in my visual.

Balls kind of stay the same size unlike boobs...

Das_is_gud 11

The "empty" balls visual amuses me

ArianaLuvU 14

Actually "empty" balls tend to hang lower /more freely

incoherentrmblr 21

Or when dude slam the car door on their balls...

At least now you don't need a mamogram. Your door took care of that for you.

crazytwinsmom 25

Mammograms compress and then capture an image of the compressed tissue so the dr can look for issues. The compression does nothing else, it doesn't fix anything.

I never said it fixes anything. I was just going after her boob being squished.

Don't worry #2 smart assery is a fine art lost on the FML crowd.

Just me that found it entertaining or am I the only one left with a sense of humour?

ChristianH39 30

You must really just be the only one left with a sense of humor. We could tell by how funny your comment was.

Ouch. Guess you'll make sure to be more careful in the future eh? Sounds painful

it sounds like OP is a total idiot or they are "new" (as in fake for you all too serious readers out there) mine are DD's and I can not imagine shuting one in a car door. . . so size can't be the issue, of they were smaller I see even less possibilities. Really that just leaves stupidity, plus unless its just the nipple, how in the world did the door close all the way??

Have to agree I'm an E cup and its never happened to me.

Hey boobs get in the way of a lot of things. Golfing, running, push ups, apparently doors, and much more. They can be a burden.

I'm curious to know how it's possible as well.

OP must have absolutely humungous boobs for this to happen.

I'm questioning how this happened as well. My chest is giant and i've never done anything even near this. She would have had to have been leaning forward into the space between the frame and the door for this to happen.

TrinityisLife 22

Big boobs and weak bra = slingy blobs on your chest with minds of their own. I can see myself doing this, so I've little doubt OP did it.

crazytwinsmom 25

Mine aren't huge but I'm klutzy enough for this to happen.

My mum managed to shut her boob in the cupboard door. It was hilarious, and we still aren't sure how she managed it.

I'm pretty sure at least 1 weirdo has rubbed one out to this comment thread.

I'm... gonna guess that "1 weirdo" is you?

Do your Boobs hang low, do they snag in the car door.....

They're actually more likely to catch on something if you're wearing a well fitted bra, if you're big they stick out a mile! I know....

Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder? Do they drag upon the floor? Do your boobs hang low?

Rarely does this site make me cringe. Congratulations, you have my respect and my sympathy.

crazychick2016 1

Same here. I've never cringed at this site. That must've been painful!

I am a girl and am not sure how it is possible.

Cagara_fml 10

Bras aren't made of steel. They don't offer much protection when it comes to things like getting it stuck in a car door. It wouldn't prevent it either depending on how big they are.

I think he's saying that if she wore a bra, they wouldn't be swinging free.

OP never said they were swinging free. You could be leaning to get something off the top of you car and accidently close the door on them if they're in the right spot. Bra or no bra.

If your comment was directed at me, 34, I agree. I just think that's what 11 was trying to say.

challan 19

Swing low... sweet car-door... all I wanted was a ride home.

SpicyGazpacho 5

How the heck could that even happen?

Ouch...that must have been painful...get well soon OP...

ok I do not know how my comment got put into this dudes. it was for someone one who said pic or it didn't happen. now that comment is gone. so before everyone thumbs me down again my comment was not intended for this comment.

ok I do not know how my comment got put into this dudes. it was for someone one who said pic or it didn't happen. now that comment is gone. so before everyone thumbs me down again my comment was not intended for #13's comment