By adamclmns - 16/07/2011 22:52 - United States

Today, after a stressful week, I spent my last few dollars on some comfort food. Later, my roommate's girlfriend came over and helped herself to my juice, drinking it straight from the bottle. I'm such a germaphobe, I can't bring myself to even take a sip. It's a full bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 255
You deserved it 15 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I ******* hate it when people drink from the container; I don't give a **** about germs, learn some goddamn manners! Especially if you don't live there/aren't family.

Just poke a hole in the side of the bottle and drain it out into a bowl or something. It won't have to go past the Infected Area of the bottle.


azzyistired 0

that would be reasonable if she maybe had aids...even then, SUCK IT UP. u baby

Jujubilee 1

uhm... I'm pretty sure the chances are incredibly low to non existent on getting aids from sharing a drink unless there's fresh infected blood and open wounds in/on the drinking area, but you sure can get lip herpes

Pour it into a glass? Maybe stick in a funnel or something if you're still concerned about the rim?

Wow that was really rude of her! It's not even her place, her boyfriend didn't even own it and she drank it straight from the bottle! besides all the germs, she'd making anyone else who drinks it drink her backwash. She's obviously too ignorant to even bother asking her to replace it. FYL!

KiddNYC1O 20
dancerNsinger4li 0

Its not about kissing a girl he doesn't know her or whether or not she has something that he can catch through her saliva. Its people like you that make STIs and STDs spread so stupidly.

Cynical_in_SK 6

Yeah...but he's not tappin that! Why would he want her germs/diseases? Not to mention possibly his roommates as well.

your are a dumb@•• grow a pair germs would kill you only make you stronger

1215116a 14

So getting the flu...makes you stronger?

it certainly strengthens the abdominals

getting the flu makes you immune to that flu

a_nutritionist 10

ugh, such stupidity. germs only make you stronger...i cant comprehend how anyone can be dumb enough to make those statements.

Know what doesn't make you stronger? Glandular fever, HIV, TB, pneumonia.. just to name a few. They all cause damage to your immune system and/or body which can be permanent!

gross!!! I'm a germaphobe too my husband likes to drink our milk out of the carton

error0987654321 2

Ever heard of MRSA? It's sort of a big deal, and assholes like you spraying antibiotics all over the place are helping to make it even worse.

Cynical_in_SK 6

No offence...but your an idiot. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are becoming an issue due to misuse of antibiotic drugs. The two main issues are that they are overprescribed and people stop taking them once they start feeling better instead of finishing them as they are supposed to.

germs are not even a real thing. its just bacteria and other protazoans that you already have cause you are living with her

Cynical_in_SK 6

My God...I really hate it when stupid people try and sound smart. The word germ is used to refer to microbes (like viruses and bacteria), especially disease causing ones. So in other words...bacteria are germs. Numb-nuts!

Cynical_in_SK 6

I agree with most of the other replies! The op can't just "get over it". You also don't have to be a germaphobe to not want someone else's backwash. That's just a rude, inconsiderate and nasty thing for her to do.