By dmsmcd - 17/12/2010 09:48 - United States

Today, after a week of insomnia, I finally managed to fall asleep. Thirty minutes later, my friends decided to bang on my door, yelling at me to wake up and party with them. I'm now wide awake and hallucinating from lack of sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 038
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have shitty frends I swear to god if they did that to me I would rip off their ****/ nuts off

Dweron 0

i have some sleeping disorder I just can't remember what it's called. I can only sleep every couple of days so I know your pain D:


ameliabeth09 0

Watch out for freddy :) 1, 2 freddy comes for you 3,4 better lock the door 5,6 grab your crucifix 7,8 better stay up late 9,10 never sleep again ;)

Iknoweverything 29

OP, I'm guessing you live in a dorm, or a severely crowded house. If you live in a dorm, perhaps you should A) Put a note on the door that says "Do NOT disturb" or even "sleeping", OR, you could visit your parents. Nobody sleeps when they are in the dorms, and nobody respects your right to sleep. So if you don't want your friends to bang on your door, find somewhere else to go for sleeping.

superman1790 2

and yet you're perfectly lucid enough to post on FML?

dc113 0

hell I pay good money to hallucinate ur a partyer u should enjoy dat stuff too just mix in some weed and liquor

fake. lack of sleep does not cause hallucinations. i have been an insomniac for almost 2 years and know everything there is about it.

stewpididiot 11

chyeahbro... obviously you don't know shit. anyone who's been up for a few daze tweaking will tell you about the 'Tree People' and the 'Shadow Monsters'.... OP... just kill them all...

sexycountrygirl0 0

you know how expensive salvia can get? jeez your hallucinating for free and complaining! smoke some dope or take a shot of jack Daniels!

Hallucinating cuz of lack of sleep? That's a lame reason to be hallucinating for

well atleast you're going around people. stay with them and party, but dont go if its on elm street... "1, 2 freddies coming for youu..."

no ur not wide awake and hallucinating, ur on fml writing this!!