By SFBEL - 21/05/2015 03:56 - Belgium - Leuven

Today, after being a resident DJ at a local club for over 4 years, I got fired. Not because I'm bad at what I do, but because my boss thinks I'm not 'having fun like the other DJs'. And by 'having fun' he means that I don't drink enough. I got fired for not being an alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 689
You deserved it 2 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't drink much either and a lot of times people don't think Im having fun at parties because of it. I can sympathize with you here, you don't have to get wasted to have some fun.

the dj's that play when i go clubbing, mostly drink energydrinks or water :s like normal people, i wouldent drink while working :)


honestly I don't care if you're a DJ its probably easier to do a good job at what you do sober. that's honestly sucks dude.

I know what you mean. I never get drunk while DJing too... Maybe try to dance a bit more in the booth and express that you enjoy your music more i guess

In Belgium it is normal to be drunk as a D.J.