By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:42 - United States

Today, after being told by her therapist to try to make her kids a bigger part of her life because we're so distant from her, my mom's new favorite thing to do is to constantly use the words "YOLO" and "swag" around us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 795
You deserved it 5 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

May God have mercy on this generation, that's all I ever hear nowadays. Even on Xbox Live.

you only live once sounds fine but saying yolo makes you sound like an uneducated idiot


The last time I said YOLO I got a girl pregnant...

I don't think OP's mom will have to worry about that......

Tigerblossom 19

At least she is trying to be apart of your life and trying to fit in. You might want to help her with her lingo so this doesn't happen in public :)

The people around me use the words 'yolo' and 'swag' (even 'yoloswag' X) ) all the time, but don't worry guys, we do it for fun, just, 'cause it's funny to say ;)

bellahorse 5

Sounds a tiny bit overbearing. Do something fun with her OP! It'll make her think you're less distant :)

Could yolo be the reason why J-lo eats Ho-hos?

MuSiCcHoIcE1 8

at least she is sorta up to date on what we kids are saying these days. honestly mine is stuck in 2008.

You should start using "groovy" and "far out."

Al little bit of love for your mom because she tried it! Even though yolo and swag are not that cool. And that is saying it in a nice way(a)

thejimler 9

Be nice, get her to stop using idiot slang and do something fun with the whole family so she doesn't feel left out. Take up a sport or hobby that she can participate in too, or cook her a sunday roast dinner. You don't know how long you'll have her left in your life so make her happy.

That's actually pretty funny and cute. At least you know that your mom loves you and is trying to get close to her children.