By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:42 - United States

Today, after being told by her therapist to try to make her kids a bigger part of her life because we're so distant from her, my mom's new favorite thing to do is to constantly use the words "YOLO" and "swag" around us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 786
You deserved it 5 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

May God have mercy on this generation, that's all I ever hear nowadays. Even on Xbox Live.

you only live once sounds fine but saying yolo makes you sound like an uneducated idiot


Whoever thought up Yolo and Swag, needs to be shot.

Did you at least try telling her to stop?

Lets just hope that she doesn't start singing "Started From The Bottom"

You don't really KNOW that you only live once. It's just an assumption. Moms is just as dumb as the rest of the yolos.

I would LOVE my mom if she did this!!


If you think about it, each generation has always had certain things or phrases that make the rest of the generation come off as an embarrassment. Everyone will go through this till the end of time. Kids just need to learn to laugh it off & accept that the mom is trying. Better than nothing.