By hoogimo - 24/11/2010 10:55

Today, after buying my girlfriend a $700 bracelet for Christmas, I hinted that I wanted a pair of Oakleys. She told me I shouldn't get her anything and that I should expect even less. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 311
You deserved it 8 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha! You deserve it for thinking she is obliged to get you an expensive present just because you got her an expensive one.

Christmas is about giving, not getting. Try not to be selfish.


Zombie65 0

YDI for expecting something ....Christmas is for giving not expecting expensive presents hope she makes you keep it and you can't return it

sallen0046 4

First of all, the point of Christmas is not to buy expensive gifts in hopes of receiving expensive gifts in return. Money is tight for almost everyone, and you are certainly not the only person in her life. If you can't give something for the sheer enjoyment of watching someone else enjoy it, you shouldn't spend $700 on any one person. You should have discussed it and set a spending cap if you're really worried about what you're going to get. As it is, it's a Christmas GIFT. Giving is supposed to be a selfless act. She shouldn't automatically be expected to get you something expensive.

All these "GIVE JUST TO GIVE" saints are getting REALLY annoying. Why should she even deserve a present when she's not even going to make the effort to make her boyfriend happy?

#112 I basically said "give just to give", but I don't necessarily think that OP's girlfriend deserves a present. I think OP is being equally selfish, though, but giving such a hefty gift. It will likely only make someone feel guilty to be given something that extravagant. I'd feel obligated to buy something for him that was just as expensive.

kk first maybe the girl doesn't have as much money as u n it's not okay to get someone a present with the intention of getting something in return. on the other hand, I agree that the way she answered was completely disrespectful. it happened to me once when I asked my ex bf what he wanted for his bday. "don't get me anything bcuz I'm no giving u gifts for ur bday!" he was so rude and I felt kind of stupid since I already got him a watch. don't return it tho. she's the one who's gonna feel stupid for acting like a b** in the end ;)

You're a douche for expecting Christmas gifts. You spend a useless amount of money on a single gift, so you suddenly expect her to pull $700 for you out her ass? Having said that, i don't have much money but bothered to make my bf a really cheap gift and card.. so maybe she should make some effort.

Sheesh, it sounds like this is their first Christmas together - seeing as he had no idea about her gift buying budget, and he spends $700??? This isn't an FML. It's NOVEMBER and she's letting him know well in advance that her budget is different to his, it's not as though she asked him to spend $700 on a bracelet, she doesn't even know he did. Some people are so demanding around Christmas. It's awful.

Whoever puts the dollar sign after the number is a complete idiot.

My family's surname is Oakley, my dad gets Oakley glasses & Oakley clothes lol, your life sucks!

who do you think you are: Liberace? ydi for being so hasty, she aint yo wife boy

whoever corrects peoples grammar online such as that if a a grammar Nazi is a complete idiot.