By gabe8 - 15/06/2009 05:42 - Mexico

Today, after buying the plane ticket to Glendale, CA to visit 17 year old Courtney who I met on a dating website, she called me for the first time to say that she was actually 19 year old Seth from Atlanta, GA. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 424
You deserved it 96 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hir23 0

Haven't you read enough FMLs to know that you shouldn't date online?

Also, thanks for the xbox my "stupid parents won't buy me"


mzbosii 0

YDI for meeting someone on-line and thinking it's going to work out

Yes #68. OP: 17 is legal in many states, but California isn't one of them. Georgia is, however. Ironic, isn't it? YDI for not paying attention though.

YDI for ******* flying god knows how far away to meet some 17 girl you met on a dating website withot even having talked on the phone. looks like we have a pedo on our hands. are you like 30, 40? where's chris hansen when you need him? why don't you have a seat over there.

Krash7051 0

Easy there CHESTER what kind of sicko looks for underage girls to date on the internet. You're a sick f**k and will probably end up on Dateline NBC soon enough.

emptyxXbliss 0

#84 is a douche. You deserve it. Big time.

nineteensixty4 0

"mmm I too love creepy old men who I meet on the internet!" - courtney. are you ******* kidding me? YDI. creep.

nanab10 0

YOU TOTALLY DESERVED IT! you were gonna fly to meet someone you'd never even spoken to on the phone before?

actually, 71, it does, in most states, 17 is the 'age of consent' so yes, if you're 18-20 and in any of those states, it is perfectly legal. so, think before you speak. and don't try to make a point about something you have very limited klnowledge of. so like i said before, if the OP's only a kid himself, its acceptable. at any rate, after reading this again, i call shenanigans. no way is anyone at all stupid enough to go meet someone they've never even spoken to on the phone, except kids who dont know any better, after hearing about those poor souls who get abducted by child predators. OP if your that stupid, its gonna be 45 year old bubba one day, and he's not going to call you and laugh. he's gonna kidnap you and screw you in a very uncomfortable place.

fxdxhk90 0
baby_love 0

lol aww i live in glendale :] anyways though, how old are you? that would really matter to the story cause if your like under 20 that's not too sick but if you're old you totally deserved that one.