By Go away - 10/11/2013 08:03 - United States - Humboldt

Today, after doing vigorous chores all day with my girlfriend, her mom came and paid us each $100. My girlfriend cried and threw a fit because she said they were her chores, so she deserves all the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 549
You deserved it 4 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paid $100 for chores? Holy crap, that's about $100 more than most people get for doing chores at all. She sounds extremely spoiled.

That's is a greedy girlfriend and you shouldn't be with someone who is selfish. Either talk to her or distance yourself from her. Oh, and don't give her your money.


jenevil27 9

Wow shes greedy, if you did half of the chores, you deserve half of the money.

From the sounds of it, your $100 will go to her anyway. "Yoou HAVE to buuuuy meeeee that!!!"

You people seem to forget that a goldigger is someone who is in a relationship for money. They were only doing chores and they both put in work. She was just a cry baby because they were her chores and she wanted all the money because it was her job. She is still wrong and selfish for that but it doesn't make her a gold digging ***** people

Kevlar_burrito 6

You seem to forget that most people on here are children. I wouldn't expect anyone in highschool to really know what a gold digger is...

#60 When I was in highschool, I knew fully well what a gold digger was. It all comes down to a person having knowledge on something they found out themselves or were taught by others. Some people (even those well into adult age) do or do not know what a gold digger is which is ok because after finding out about it, they now have learned something new. Now whether or not those people get suckered in by a gold digger or become one after finding out is another story.

I knew what a gold digger was in grade 2 thanks to my friends. This girl makes youth look immature and idiotic but the majority of teens very well know what's going on it the world. Just saying.

This is far beyond first world problems...

You might want to reconsider dating this girl.... If she shows such shitty personality traits over something as trivial as chores, imagine how immaturely she will handle more serious things....

on top of her sounding like Gold Digger and a spoiled brat she also sounds way to immature to be in a relationship at all. She sounds like to much drama find a new girlfriend one that doesn't act like when she doesn't her her way.

Zimmington 21

So many grammatical errors...

If it were her chores, she should've done them herself instead. Really wondering how old she is for overreacting that way.