By imamomma - 20/12/2011 18:59 - United States

Today, after explaining to my two year old that we were going bra shopping, he decided to announce to the entire bank that we were going to buy Mommy some boobies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 217
You deserved it 26 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids and their silly comments. But why would you even specify what type of shopping?

Damn_Hippster 11

Why would you tell your 2 year old that you were going to go bra shopping? He's only 2. He obviously doesn't understand.


This reminds me of an old fml, a kid saw their parents doing oral, in the store the mother bent to give the child a kiss and screamed "I'm not kissing you! That's were daddy's pee-pee was last night!" the things children say....

Poser1337 5

Sounds like he's quite interested in the subject.

Lol I guess you didn't explain it very well?

ZDK5498 6

never say something to a little kid in a public place that you don't want repeated or easily misunderstood... in you case BOTH!

I would have said, "some over the shoulder bolder holders." lol I tell my girls that all the time. Now that they are teens. I tease them about being in the itty bitty titty comity. 1 Daughter is president.

why would you mock your daughters like that? slow clap for you helping out with the body insecurities they will undoubtedly have later on in life.

That's funny, they have big boobs and I gave them that title because I belonged to the club when I was a young teen. So, your comment is moot!

Ya, shut up meg! You obviously don't have teen age girls, twins as well I might add! Laugh at life. Oh ya, you probably don't have one. Ps my girls just read this all and they laughed at you.

LilSideTwerk 0

haha, it's time to play, "is it racist?" thank you daniel tosh for blessing me with this awesome game!