By 242795 - 24/09/2016 06:12 - United States - Buies Creek

Today, after finally deciding to push past my extreme shyness, I talked to the person beside me in class. I was so nervous that when I went to take a sip of my coffee, it slipped out of my hand and splashed all over both of us. Not only did I ruin her white dress, but I also gave her mild burns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 272
You deserved it 1 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you have social anxiety and extreme shyness, it is really hard to put yourself out there and push past it. Don't let one little hiccup stop you from continuing to get through it. It is really hard and I commend you for taking that chance OP. Good luck in the future.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Maybe this might turn into a good thing.


Keep trying!!!!! Don't let this discourage you! The more embarrassing things you do, the less embarrassing they get! By the end of it, you won't even care!