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By UsuallyaUnicornbread - 26/11/2014 21:01 - United States - Morrisville

Today, I went to get myself a latte to make myself feel better after having a bad day. As soon as I sat down to enjoy it, I spilled it all over myself, another customer, and the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 582
You deserved it 3 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Greenteamextreme 16

I did that with 2 coffees yesterday. Didnt learn the first time the universe didnt want me to have coffee that day.

aww I'm sorry op that sucks! hope tomorrow turns out better for you!


I don't think that was her intention.. But maybe thats just some new therapeutic activity i haven't heard of yet.

#1, The world would be a much better place without people like you...

What a great idea clumsylobster, with a name like that I'm willing to bet you're a pro at not dropping stuff!

Well I guess my online name determines my real life co-ordinance...

kristabelli 19

That is really lame OP. I feel for ya.

kristabelli 19

Hm, that's weird. This wasn't what my comment said - it was supposed to say: "That is really lame OP, I feel for ya. :( I hate spilling my coffee - not only do you have a mess to clean up, you also DON'T have coffee."

DavidKnows 11

#31. How about pay attention and be more careful?

aww I'm sorry op that sucks! hope tomorrow turns out better for you!

Greenteamextreme 16

I did that with 2 coffees yesterday. Didnt learn the first time the universe didnt want me to have coffee that day.

Well of course it didn't. You're destined to drink only extreme green tea.

That must suck, but did you at least get another latte?

We'll we know that at least the floor did x)

OP, today might not have BEAN your day, but tomorrow won't be such a GRIND, I'm hoping.

You don't need to put the puns in capitals as we will figure it out quickly.

If this happened to me, I would sink into a chair, bury my hands in my face, and start sobbing. Coffee is literally love and life when I get three hours of sleep and get extra-annoyed by my coworkers.