By Anonymous - 11/11/2012 10:26 - United States - Williamsburg

Today, after finally falling asleep, my boyfriend woke me up and got extremely mad at me. My offense? My pillow was touching his side of the bed. After yelling at me, he's now sleeping on the couch, and I'm lying in bed wide awake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 561
You deserved it 3 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like his side of the bed SHOULD be the couch.

Looks like someone's going though that time of the month...


Can someone explain why comments that I've seen nothing wrong with get deleted?

I don't know why but that "c:" doesn't look like a smile to me, just a smiley with a beard..

I would maybe rethink dating someone like that.

Maria_Obligacia 14

Need separate beds for sleeping. To elaborate: obviously, it bothers him a lot and will most likely not change. So either you live with it and get separate beds, or you split ASAP.

zee16 4
KiddNYC1O 20

What a little bitch. Backhand in order.

Go in there and wake his ass up every time he falls asleep. That selfish dumbass.

Why you do that. You need to learn your bounderies.