By lauren555 - 27/03/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, after finishing a huge French essay, I realized my printer wasn't working. So, I emailed it to a guy in my class to print and then give to me. When I get to French, he said he had already turned his in early and never got my email. It turned out he used mine. I got an F on the essay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 918
You deserved it 18 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cprompt 0

WAYS TO AVOID THIS SITUATION: Take the paper with you to school, print it out at a lab. Take the paper with you to Kinko's, print it out there. Finish and print your paper earlier than the night before. Email your paper to French teacher. Go to a neighbor's house, print it out there. Email it to a REAL friend outside of your class, ask them to print it out and get confirmation that they are. WAYS TO SCREW UP: Email it to a guy in your class and assume he'll get it and dutifully print it out. Don't follow-up over the phone or anything. You're welcome.

So when you showed the teacher the sent email... What did he say?


OperationNicole_fml 0

This has to be fake. There are ways to prove to a teacher that it's yours.

amille44 0

If you wrote this on your own computer or family computer, you can prove it was written on this computer. Every document has an "author" that is visible on electronic copies. It's probably really obvious that the author is you, it should be your last name or parent's name or something like that. I took a few computer science courses and that's the easiest way for them to catch cheaters.

br0ken 0

i think you can tell the teacher about that ...

There's a reason why e-mails have time stamps. If e-mail time stamps can be used in a court of law, they can be used for a French class. If not that, then right click on your essay document and look at 'Date Modified'. Top right of your keyboard, "Prnt Scrn". I hope this is a real FML. That way this punk ass can get shown wtf is up.

huzz69 0

Simply explain the situation to your teacher and show him / her the email. If your "friend" is willing to screw you by "stealing" your work, you should return the favor and report him. If you fail to do what is right then you deserve the F you received!

Eh, that sucks but it is easily fixed.

Gray_fml 0

You could have emailed it to YOURSELF and then printed it out at a library, computer lab, Kinko's, whatever/etc.

You have the email, showing that you sent it to him... show that to the teacher?

Your fault. Should have emailed it to your professor even.

gislince 0