By lauren555 - 27/03/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, after finishing a huge French essay, I realized my printer wasn't working. So, I emailed it to a guy in my class to print and then give to me. When I get to French, he said he had already turned his in early and never got my email. It turned out he used mine. I got an F on the essay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 918
You deserved it 18 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cprompt 0

WAYS TO AVOID THIS SITUATION: Take the paper with you to school, print it out at a lab. Take the paper with you to Kinko's, print it out there. Finish and print your paper earlier than the night before. Email your paper to French teacher. Go to a neighbor's house, print it out there. Email it to a REAL friend outside of your class, ask them to print it out and get confirmation that they are. WAYS TO SCREW UP: Email it to a guy in your class and assume he'll get it and dutifully print it out. Don't follow-up over the phone or anything. You're welcome.

So when you showed the teacher the sent email... What did he say?


pumpkincakes 3

this is when you show your teacher your email sent to him

Mr_Wong 0

#3, best comment I have read in a LONG while. You most definitely deserved this. You didn't know this guy it seems and yet you trusted him to print a very important paper out for you and give it to you the next day? You sir/madam are a complete idiot. In most colleges, if this be the case, there are computer labs where you could have printed it out. If this is high school, which is most likely the case, then you're home should have at least one printer. Never trust some random guy with an important assignment.

wallythedolly 0

Why would you email it to a student and not the teacher....? Also, can you not print at school? You deserve it.

piderman13 0

she would not have known the guy used her paper until much later because the guy isn't gonna show her the paper. she probably saw it when the teacher passed them out a week later. that makes this a much tougher fight to prove but she definitely deserved it.

Pandaleptic 0

...What I don't get here is why you didn't E-mail it to yourself, instead of the guy, and then print it out on a computer at school or at a library... This situation was one-hundred-percent avoidable, but I still feel pretty bad for you.

effthis 0

if you wrote it out on paper, you have proof he stole.. theres still a chance

Other Dude gets an A+ FTW!... @60 Whats Paper?

LetsPretend 0

You could've sent it directly to your teacher through an email or email it to yourself and then print it out at the school library. It's not that hard, I do it all the time for my essays.

you know u can tell the professor about it and get him an f in the class right