By IBS - 06/05/2014 09:11 - China - Shanghai

Today, after finishing a two hour essay exam that will determine the future of my career, I realized I misread the question. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 200
You deserved it 13 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you'll get points for interpreting it a different way, you can always hope...

ouch! I know you must be nervous, but with stakes that high you should read even more closely.


Wow you'd think he would read the question a few times before jumping right into an essay that is so important

Sooo, english or economics? IB really does suck, doesn't it?

No it wasn't #38, you're just not intelligent enough to understand.

ihunter_rae 12

Maybe it'll be so compelling enough to where he'll reconsider the fact that you read it wrong? Idk, hope for the best! It's gotta prove some type of intellectual thinking to interpret it in a different way right ?

Even chinese have a hard time trying to read chinese eh... seriously now, give us a follow up, and good luck to you OP!

guess that answers the direction you'll be going....nowhere.

Man, that's awful. Sorry to hear that. Maybe it won't turn out as poorly as you think? There's nothing you can do now, you can at least try not worry about it and stress out even more.

It's an IB exam that in no way affects "the rest of your life" get over it.

katiemariekg 9

Let me guess... IB English Paper 2 HL question number 3 of the drama section and at the last 5 minutes you realized it. Did the same thing.