By Anonymous - 08/03/2011 23:23 - United States

Today, after having my jaw wired shut for 2 months, I finally got to eat. During the first bite of my sandwich I pulled my jaw out of place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 869
You deserved it 4 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scottovious 0

That sucks. Jaw pain is horrid. So Sorry, I hope it gets better...


you bit the sandwich and the sandwich bit back!

lemoncows 2

I have the same glasses as you! they're ray band right?

I had my jaw wired shut too... that itself was painful shit!

denvan 0

Back to the liquid diet it seems

how do you go 2 months without eating ? wtf:L

YayaInLalaLand 0

Dietary supplements through and IV. Duh.

Err, no haha. I was not once on IV during my month long jaw healing process after I had my surgery. I was, however put on IV when I had pneumonia and refused to actually eat the crap they were giving me at the hospital. As for how you make it a month+ without eating? Most people drink a lot of Ensure but that shit was nasty and made me want to barf, no matter which flavor so a lot of my nutrition came from carnation instant breakfast. Other than that I blended EVERYTHING! And trust me, by the end of the month you get DESPERATE. I actually tried blending a hamburger patty and it was awful. I also blended Mr Noodles, which was delicious. My favorite was ice cream blended with cookies and milk, tough. :) As for OP? That freaking sucks! My mother thought it'd be a good idea to eat at a restaurant on our way back home (I live roughly 5 hours away from where I had my surgery). The people at the restaurant were just like "the hell is wrong with that chick and why is she eating so slow?" I didn't pull anything out though D: In closing of this horridly long post, if your orthodontist recommends jaw surgery, punch him in the ******* dick. It was the worst pain I've been through in my life and it was constant for the entire month I had my jaw shut. Now, nearly two years AFTER my surgery and my jaw still clicks (which it didn't do before.) and is uncomfortable. D:

YayaInLalaLand 0

Damn, that hella sucks. Even though it doesn't help, I'm sorry OP.

that seriously sucks ,but hey look at the bright side! atleast u got a bite lol

Well at least you have something to look forward to!