By Stunned - 04/02/2013 09:15 - New Zealand - Wellington

Today, after heavy rain my street flooded. While in my living room, I looked outside to see that my elderly neighbour was outside splashing in a knee deep puddle. He was butt-naked and wearing a snorkel and flippers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 043
You deserved it 3 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he's making the best of it. Maybe you should follow his example.

Elderly people seem to understand, that since they are old the might as well have fun. It may be a disturbing sight, but at least he is making the most of his life. I think you might need some brain bleach though.


Well, yeah, he would have gotten his clothes wet if he were wearing them, OP. Really.

If he doesn't care, neither should you! Why not lose your clothes, and your inhibitions, and join him! The old man obviously needs a friend!

Satoaoi 13

I would laugh my ass off and move on! That's funny OP!

Gotta love the elderly! What do they have to worry about! Follow their lead and enjoy it!

I dunno dude, if I'd read this yesterday I'd have been pretty tempted to do the same thing! After all the heat the rain is fantastic.

even old people need to have fun sometimes :) i cant wait til im old

There are just some things you cannot unsee

And how is this an FML? Hrs not doing anything to you...