By Anonymous - 01/07/2014 04:26 - United States - Murfreesboro

Today, after losing his job, I reassured my boyfriend by telling him I'd rather be with him living in a cardboard box than to be without him. He responded by telling me he'd rather be dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 422
You deserved it 6 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CallMeWindSock 24

I think he might still be a little angry about his job

His reaction isn't about you OP. He lost his job and can't provide like men believe they should so he's more likely to feel like a failure right now. Dont take it personally.


Ouch, that sucks. Maybe that was just the disappointment talking... Hopefully he didn't mean it :)

He's probably just a little heated from losing his job, I'm sure he didn't mean it

its fine. im in the same boat, my fiance lost his job in january. your boyfriend is probably just frustrated and upset right now. just let it roll off your back and just be there for him. in the offchance he really meant it, well thats a different story. good luck.

foreverhappy98 10

He might not have meant it. People say dumb things when they are stressed or mad. All you can do is just to be there for him for now!

skyeyez9 24

Losing your job is extremely stressful. He is worrying about how he will keep his apartment/home, pay for food, utilities...etc Give him some space to collect his thoughts and then approach him afterwards. I hope he can find another job soon. I went thru the same thing last year. But thankfully found a better paying job. Good luck!

So he'd rather be dead than being homeless? If that's his mindset he better find something soon

i doubt he really meant that. but a lot of people feel inadequate, or like a failure if they dont have jobs. and if it just happened, hes probably freaking out, playing worst case scenario.

it's probably just the stress getting to him!

It's a blow to a guys ego when they lose their job. My husband of 30 yrs made a similar remark when he lost his job last year! He's back working & fine now. Just be supportive & it'll be okay!

Maybe he has self respect and wants to take care of you. I know my boyfriend would rather die than have me living in a cardboard box. This is no FML.