By never dip the wick in crazy - 15/04/2016 19:00 - Romania
Same thing different taste
Overreaction much?
By Anonymous - 04/10/2014 15:17 - Denmark
By now my watch begins - 31/07/2017 04:00 - United States - Simi Valley
By Anonymous - 03/12/2012 11:53 - Canada
By CHStennis_4 - 03/09/2011 04:48 - United States
The best part of breaking up…
By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 23:51 - Canada
By sonofawackjob - 18/08/2017 17:15 - United States - Syracuse
By hotheadslav - 21/06/2015 01:59 - United States - Warsaw
By Ow - 18/04/2014 11:09 - United States - Golden Valley
By sneezer - 30/12/2008 04:54 - France
By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 08:10 - Canada
Top comments
Not even a professional can help this girl!
I beg to differ.
On what are you basing your claim?
To be honest, sounds like you dodged a bullet with that one.
I'm not saying it's acceptable that OP's girlfriend had anger issues but it may not have been her fault. I was on a medication recently that caused me to start raging over nothing. I hated it but couldn't control it.
Unless they just started recently, it's probably not a medication. I do know what you mean, I was on an ADD medication that made me more anti-social and bitchier then I normally am. For the former that's saying something because I'm already anti-social. That medication literally ruined a job for me that really would have helped me in the long run.
I realize it wasn't probably due to meds but it was worth a shot. At least someone understands (apparently most people didn't understand the point I was trying to make, seeing as I got down voted).
#23, I don't understand why you are saying that it's unacceptable that she has anger issues. No matter if it's medication induced or not, it's not her fault. No one wakes up and decides to have anger issues. My brother has anger issues that stem from years of bullying and my dad has anger issues that stem from his PTSD from being in the military. Yes, it's best if she seeks help, but it is in no way unacceptable that she has a condition that she can't control on her own.
I guess I didn't actually mean that. Just the way the other comment was worded..."sounds like you dodged a bullet on that one" and seeing how up voted it is seems to me like the majority of people blame others if they have anger issues.
well, you shouldn't sneeze at all. just let it out of your other holes.
Ear eruptions incoming.
Why is this down voted, it's obviously a joke.
Because it is not a very funny joke.
Perfect time to get a new girlfriend with a better hot:crazy ratio
It seems a career in psychiatry or psychology is not in your future ... In all seriousness, you are lucky to be out of that relationship; with such anger issues, it could easily have become abusive, if it was not already so.
So because she dumped him, he would not do well in those fields? And for God sake, he doesn't have professional training to handle it. I am not sure how this post has so many likes. It is so idiotic.
I'm not sure you get the comment. The first part was like a sarcastic joke. He was highlighting the fact that the OP clearly doesn't have training in those fields, so it wouldn't really be expected of him to be good at it and it isn't his fault. Jesus, calm down.
It has liked because it was a joke. OP tried to help her and "failed" therefore the joke is that he wouldn't be a good mental health care worker. Jeez.
Maybe you just have a really obnoxious sneeze?
Really? You're gonna blame him for her crazy?
Sounds like she needs professional help
how dare you sneeze!!!!!!!!!!!!
If she can get that furious over a sneeze it is not too significant a step to reacting violently for other perceived infractions which is where a lot of domestic abuse begins. You dodged a bullet (metaphorically and maybe literally) there and are far better off out of that relationship.
I hope you let her keep the tissues. In all seriousness your better off without her mate.

To be honest, sounds like you dodged a bullet with that one.
It seems a career in psychiatry or psychology is not in your future ... In all seriousness, you are lucky to be out of that relationship; with such anger issues, it could easily have become abusive, if it was not already so.