By Anonymous - 17/02/2013 19:19 - Botswana - Francistown

Today, after more than a year of being single, I finally had sex. Unfortunately, it was only in a dream, and after we finished, he told me that I'm terrible in bed. Even my dream-lover is a dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 980
You deserved it 6 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those are some serious self-esteem issues you have there.

At least it was a dream and not reality. Don't be so hard on yourself.


No it doesn't mean he's a dick it means you need to get your head out of your arse!

FML should start their own matchmaking site.

Satoaoi 13

it's just a dream. there's someone for everyone. alot of people don't think so until it happens. so you just gotta hang in there

all dreams are based on randomly put together past memories. whether you realize it or not. so apparently some guy did think you sucked in bed. but hey just wake up smell the coffee. and get out there. not all dreams are meant to come true. the real world is where we really experience things.

The only way to get better is practice.. Safely of course.

sugarbear0727 19

That sucks. Dress up nice, and find a nice look dude to bang. I'm not saying do this all the time, but it does relax you, and it boost your confidence about yourself for a while. Search online for some techniques to use in bed, if you are insecure about your abilities in bed. They definitely help. I know that its preferred to be in a relationship when having sex with someone, but sometimes you just need a one night stand to prove you can still get a guy. It is stupid that there is that double standard about one night stands, but don't let it discourage you. If you want to get laid, go get laid. (:

Arcaderat90 7

Someone's automatically a dick for making an observation?

I'm assuming that since you're into men, your dream lover will be a dick. Unless you wanna date a man with a ******.