By ohfuckwaffles - 29/01/2013 05:28 - United States - Bremerton

Today, after much self-doubt and awkwardness, I learned that I look amazing in a little black dress. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to tell my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 666
You deserved it 23 433

ohfuckwaffles tells us more.

OP here. Thanks for the support, everyone - I have told her, and, while she's definitely not into it, at least she doesn't plan to leave me over it. To those of you wondering whether I'm a transvestite, a crossdresser, a transexual, or transgendered - there are waaay too many of these names, and it's confusing. How about I explain it this way: I'm a girl on the inside, and I'm still attracted to girls (a lesbian, perhaps?). I don't mind my body, and I don't mind wearing men's clothes (heck, it's what I grew up with), but I'd like to see what more is out there... I've been hiding it and ignoring it and thinking I'm wrong for a long time, but my control is obviously slipping.

Top comments

I have to say...I was NOT expecting that ending. I was expecting the FML to end with something about ruining the dress or some sort of self esteem issue. Lol

Just come out wearing it! You never know it may get her excited!


"I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!" Great, now I'm going to have that damned song stuck in my head all day. Thanks.

Dammit me too! Thanks a lot. Btw I heard that not all cross dressers are gay. Many are not. Norman Bates isn't the best example though.

Dekarian 7

Most crossdressers are straight. A very small minority are gay.

perdix 29

#63, I heard it was about 50:50, that is, about half cross-dressers are gay while the other half is straight.

RedPillSucks 31

The top half or the bottom half?

hellobobismyname 24

Well when my boyfriend and I started dating he came into the room wearing his mother's dress and started dancing. I thought he was weird but I still fell in love with him. My point is maybe she will be accepting, as long as you're not gay. There are probably couples out there who have made this work. If not, I'm sorry you figured this out so late. Good luck to ya!

noobatubie 6

If you guys are supporting this you are all crazy. A man needs to be a man a woman needs to be a woman. Our country is crumbling because we are starting to excecpt every behavior as socially exceptible. When was it ever ok for a man to have gender idenity problems? These problems need to be adressed by a psychiatrist. If you are born a man you need to except that as you lot in life no matter how you "feel" you may feel sexy in that dress but it's not right. I would recommend you seriously look into your heart. You are missing something.

#37 > You’re the type of person who would send his gay child to Jesus camp in order to “cure” them of their sexual orientations. Guess what, this type of things have always existed, except that it was taboo before and nobody dared talking about it for fear of people like you reaching out for the pitchforks. There is much more to human beings than your tiny-minded definition of “men being men” and “women being women”. From a straight girl.

hellobobismyname 24

There's nothing wrong with being gay, cross dressing, or changing genders as long as no one is getting hurt. People should be allowed to express who they are or want to be. You don't need to agree with it but you definitely should try opening your mind just a little bit.

Ohhhh, thank God there were other people to say it. I was hoping not to be the first to point this out.

OP, there are women whose straight husbands enjoy cross-dressing and they don't mind. Then it depends if you feel like that because you think you have the wrong body or because you're attracted to people of your own gender (and by that I don't mean that all gay men enjoy wearing dresses but it happens). If it's the first, well have an honest discussion with your wife and hopefully she will support you... If it's the latter reasons, well an open discussion will be also necessary. What matters is that you are honest to both yourself and your wife


Try telling her over a candle lit dinner, that way both of you can get dressed up & look amazing

My hubby wears dresses and skirts. Turn on!

A lot of women (myself included) find this to be a huge turn-on. Try asking her what she thinks of cross-dressers in general (or watch a movie or go to a club or...), and go from there. You need to have a discussion with her if cross-dressing is something you want to pursue, but it's a good idea to feel her out before diving in. That way, you have a better idea what you're getting into. Good luck!

Spend hours fixing my hair and putting on my face. Climb into a dress two sizes too small and walk around in high heels that hurt my feet, just to hear her tell me my butt looks too big. What's a guy to do?

dmoran20 27

If brains were dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose....

muffinlovexD 12

I would just walk out with the dress OP, she may love it... But not because she thinks your pretty.