By ohfuckwaffles - 29/01/2013 05:28 - United States - Bremerton

Today, after much self-doubt and awkwardness, I learned that I look amazing in a little black dress. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to tell my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 666
You deserved it 23 433

ohfuckwaffles tells us more.

OP here. Thanks for the support, everyone - I have told her, and, while she's definitely not into it, at least she doesn't plan to leave me over it. To those of you wondering whether I'm a transvestite, a crossdresser, a transexual, or transgendered - there are waaay too many of these names, and it's confusing. How about I explain it this way: I'm a girl on the inside, and I'm still attracted to girls (a lesbian, perhaps?). I don't mind my body, and I don't mind wearing men's clothes (heck, it's what I grew up with), but I'd like to see what more is out there... I've been hiding it and ignoring it and thinking I'm wrong for a long time, but my control is obviously slipping.

Top comments

I have to say...I was NOT expecting that ending. I was expecting the FML to end with something about ruining the dress or some sort of self esteem issue. Lol

Just come out wearing it! You never know it may get her excited!


perdix 29

Go for it, man! I wish I had the balls to wear a mini-skirt. I have gorgeous legs, but from the waist up, the rest of it goes all to hell!

mrperspire 4

Maybe she likes to dress like a man. You both can switch roles. You be the wife, she'll be the husband.

Neongreenme 8

if my husband came to me with this I would be OK as long as he didn't want to go out in public and wasn't secretly into penis. You could tell your wife as a joke just to test her reaction. Remember women/wives often jump to the worst conclusion.

Seriously dude, ask her what she thinks about cross dressing. I was in a play with my wife, The Rocky Horror show, in which I had to wear tight fishnets and a host of other burlesque lingerie including high heeled boots. She ravaged me harder than any other woman I've been with in my life. I hope that great sex is in your future sir! Good luck!

sneeze_watch 19

I hope your wife understands and that everything goes well for you. That's a big thing to trust someone with, so here's hoping you married the right woman. Good luck.

Just tell her you're a cross dresser... cant imagine why she'd be upset... lol

RedPillSucks 31

Yes, For all the ******* he'll be getting when he discovers how turned on his wife is.

baby_frenchie 6

Hey, she might like that. Honestly. One of my friends, her husband likes to wear women's clothing. And she knew that while they were dating, and she married him regardless of it. If your wife is open minded and non-judge mental, she'll understand.

I refuse to vote to say this is an FML or YDI since it is who you are. If it makes you feel happy and if it helps you with your self-doubt then let her know. If she can't except that then it's her loss.