By ohfuckwaffles - 29/01/2013 05:28 - United States - Bremerton

Today, after much self-doubt and awkwardness, I learned that I look amazing in a little black dress. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to tell my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 666
You deserved it 23 433

ohfuckwaffles tells us more.

OP here. Thanks for the support, everyone - I have told her, and, while she's definitely not into it, at least she doesn't plan to leave me over it. To those of you wondering whether I'm a transvestite, a crossdresser, a transexual, or transgendered - there are waaay too many of these names, and it's confusing. How about I explain it this way: I'm a girl on the inside, and I'm still attracted to girls (a lesbian, perhaps?). I don't mind my body, and I don't mind wearing men's clothes (heck, it's what I grew up with), but I'd like to see what more is out there... I've been hiding it and ignoring it and thinking I'm wrong for a long time, but my control is obviously slipping.

Top comments

I have to say...I was NOT expecting that ending. I was expecting the FML to end with something about ruining the dress or some sort of self esteem issue. Lol

Just come out wearing it! You never know it may get her excited!


One of the regular customers of the shop I work at also wears dresses and stuff, and I really admire him for wearing whatever he wants, regardless of what everyone thinks!

RedPillSucks 31

RuPaul has his/her own show, and the guy on "Americas Next Top Model" is making it work. You may find your own niche to explore.

Good luck with this, meant most sincerely. I guess its a hard place to be, but an interesting place for you to explore. Not really my bag, but more power to you and your alternative lifestyle.

why were you wearing a dress in the first place?

ulissey_fml 22

a little LBD is very good for the libido !! ( and YES, it does very much turn women on. )

This fml makes me want to make my boyfriend wear a dress for giggles :3

baby_frenchie 6

Shit like this pisses me off. If you're gay- just be gay. Why waste your time & your wife's youth by trying to deny who you are. Now, if he tells her she'll probably divorce him and lead a single, unhappy life for the rest of her days. I feel more sorry for your wife than I do to you, OP.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Having an interest in wearing dresses, as a guy, doesn't make you gay...

Its wrong in so many ways. But thumbs up for your currage to share it

Hopefully you're not "borrowing" your wife's clothes and stretching them out. That's one of the biggest complaints I've seen from the female partners of cross-dressers. Get your own. Hopefully you're not doing the "binge-and-purge" thing that so many male crossdressers do, where they buy a bunch of women's clothing, wear it, have it around for a while, then, out of shame, self-loathing, and/or fear of being discovered, throw it all away, only to buy new stuff a few months later.

The Center of male-ness just called. They want you to turn in your testicles to the nearest receptacle.