By gotitEVERYWHERE - 08/03/2010 22:40 - United States

Today, after puking all over the bathroom and my legs, I called my husband for sympathy. The first thing he says is "Did you cry?" and when I answered no, instead of wishing me better he quickly exclaimed "WHO'S MY BIG GIRL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 174
You deserved it 6 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caticaticati 3

F your life, your husband has a sense of humor and wanted to make you laugh when you were upset.


greendaylover413 0

I think everyone giving you shit is just jealous they dont have a man like you. :) I think this is really cute. I had the same thing happen to me and my husband sat on the bathroom floor with me all night cuz I didnt want to get sick somewhere else. **** all these haters. Youre lucky. :-)

marie93uso 0

whoa guys! what snickerdoodles said made perfect sense! and for the record, I think she's freakin hilarious and pretty tough to take all the crap people fling at her. go Snicks! :)

clairdnj 0

#99 who pukes in a trashcan???

bossybanks 0

so what why is this a fml he was just being funny, it's something my girl would say to me.

littlejew 0

grow up! if my husband said that to me is think it was cute!

Way to take him trying to make you feel better the complete wrong way. Are you depressed, or just stupid? Probably stupid.

QueenOfBoredom 0

lol sorry babe but I love your husband at the moment ... that's hilarious boyfriend would do the same thing.