By gotitEVERYWHERE - 08/03/2010 22:40 - United States

Today, after puking all over the bathroom and my legs, I called my husband for sympathy. The first thing he says is "Did you cry?" and when I answered no, instead of wishing me better he quickly exclaimed "WHO'S MY BIG GIRL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 174
You deserved it 6 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caticaticati 3

F your life, your husband has a sense of humor and wanted to make you laugh when you were upset.


DUCkY408 0
ssoccerchick97 16

I'm a tool for reading all these comments. They're funny tho. Lol

What kind of idiot doesnt make it to the toilet when they are already in the bathroom?

alexicanaaa 7

Aww that's precious! That would have made me laugh! Maybe he was trying to cheer you up! :)

Awe I hate puking! That must've sucked OP :(

mojo5678 5

Wow guys.. She was obviously having a bad time of it. It's her husband's job to support her and vice versa. I wouldn't say it's a FML, but you have no right to be jerks to her about it... Damn, grow up.

Lol I agree... But people like snickers make me sick... Like you don't want attention when your sick... Bitch please :/

Wow I didn't realize that wanting help when your sick is a bad thing... Really people... Get over yourself

You're the pathetic one cause we weren't complaining because she's on the site too much, we're complaining cause she's being a bitch. Everyone shut up and stop whining. Sometimes it's nice to have a little sympathy, it doesn't make her an attention ***** or anything. It's nice feeling like someone cares