By gotitEVERYWHERE - 08/03/2010 22:40 - United States
Same thing different taste
By greenintheface - 30/04/2011 06:27 - United States
Red flag
By Ceej - 30/07/2011 21:06 - United States
Party animal
By Laci - 30/04/2011 17:50 - United States
By catt - 17/10/2014 20:12 - Germany - Berlin
By Anonymous - 18/08/2015 22:55 - United States - Salt Lake City
By megomania - 02/05/2011 13:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/02/2015 02:43 - United States - Titusville
By akiza - 17/11/2012 02:00 - Japan
By hnickell93 - 09/10/2012 01:55 - United States - Visalia
By katybaby - 09/12/2010 17:15 - United States
Top comments
What kind of idiot doesnt make it to the toilet when they are already in the bathroom?
Awe I hate puking! That must've sucked OP :(
Lol I agree... But people like snickers make me sick... Like you don't want attention when your sick... Bitch please :/
Wow I didn't realize that wanting help when your sick is a bad thing... Really people... Get over yourself
You're the pathetic one cause we weren't complaining because she's on the site too much, we're complaining cause she's being a bitch. Everyone shut up and stop whining. Sometimes it's nice to have a little sympathy, it doesn't make her an attention ***** or anything. It's nice feeling like someone cares
F your life, your husband has a sense of humor and wanted to make you laugh when you were upset.
Attention seeker?