By overly nationalistic redneck - 19/10/2013 19:37 - Norway - Ytre Arna

Today, after recently complaining that the reality show "The Great Norway Adventure" portrays us as a country of nationalistic rednecks, I saw my drunk dad chasing my uncle on a tractor while bellowing the national anthem at the top of his lungs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 338
You deserved it 5 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well put down your beer and go stop them, god damn stupid rednecks.

It's okay, OP. Your country's redneck TV shows will always be overshadowed by Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty.


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Hhahah, that's funny because all Americans are red necks. **rolls eyes**

Not all rednecks emigrated to America. Just a lot of them.

Hey, they seem like they are enjoy ling life and that's all it matters.

ColbyGB 13

Country MUST be country wide...

It could be worse. He could be chasing sheep in his silky nightwear.

Oh!!! A Scotsman clad in kilt, left a bar, one evening fair, and you could tell by how he walked, that he'd drunk more than his share..........

He fumbled round until he could no longer keep his feet Then he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street. Ring ding diddle diddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street

perdix 29

I'll bet your uncle said something positive about Sweden. HDI!

Human Development Index? Positive about Sweden? You mean, like; "Great neighbours those swedes have!"?

MooseKnuckle5150 13

Why hello there, fellow norwegian! *excited because I've never ever seen an FML from Norway*

There were two FML's from Norway yesterday.

I wouldn't know that, I'm on the app and it never shows location on my phone.

chibichan21 6

well danm....not too far from the truth huh?

Does he know all the words? Can I get a big "hell yeah."