By overly nationalistic redneck - 19/10/2013 19:37 - Norway - Ytre Arna

Today, after recently complaining that the reality show "The Great Norway Adventure" portrays us as a country of nationalistic rednecks, I saw my drunk dad chasing my uncle on a tractor while bellowing the national anthem at the top of his lungs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 338
You deserved it 5 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well put down your beer and go stop them, god damn stupid rednecks.

It's okay, OP. Your country's redneck TV shows will always be overshadowed by Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty.


sounds like fun...i would love to do that to a couple of people i know

dmbfan31 7

That's awesome! Makes me feel better about being a hillbilly. :)

I'd like to see a redneck American or football Hooligan Brit write an FML in Norwegian.

monnanon 13

football hoolligans are not our redneck equivelant. more like inner city chav.

Gumdropbby 5

I'm sure I read an FML almost exactly like this, except in America, a few months back. Except there was a grandpa instead of an uncle involved.

well. looks like my opinion on us is not going to change any time soon.

I thought we Americans were the cornerstone of rednecks. I'm totally ok with other countries helping to carry that humiliating torch

Could be worse - could be singing The Fox by Ylvis (unless that really is the new national anthem - wont surprise me) (≧∇≦)

We have a reality show here in America called Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. Look it up online, it should lift your spirits and you'll appreciate your country more.

I don't think that show would lift anyone's spirits no matter where they are from. Its very existence makes me want to eat puppies.

I seriously hope that show doesn't lift anything, not just spirits...