By Jeathrow - 16/02/2012 15:01 - United States

Today, after recently moving to an apartment, we've already been asked if we wanted to buy drugs, had a children's chair thrown through the front window, our door painted with "CUNT LICKER" and my laundry stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 284
You deserved it 4 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nows a good time to find somewhere else to live. before something dangerous happens

Did you do ANY kind of research/asking around before moving on?


I once had the same problem, sorta!! I was able to talk ($$$$) the maintenance man into getting me my sighed lease. Once I had the lease I was able to move out and they couldn't sue me! You shouldn't live where you don't feel safe!!!

The only way this situation gets better is A. move out or B. become a hardcore badass and then no one will mess with you.

UrWhy would you have left your laundry unattended?! That's just asking for it...come on.

what kind of place did you move Into. that's some crazy stuff

Need to make sure you pay those association dues on time, every time.

iloveweed69 7