By jab43 - 23/07/2011 00:57 - United States

Today, after returning home from a camping trip, I found a leech on my love spuds. I ended up having to call my dad in to help me get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 065
You deserved it 5 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments


natmarie 1
doof_fisch 2

Hey -- you should have just stayed in the water. Leeches make great bait. Along come a big fishy....problem solved.

instead of admitting that you couldn't reach it, you should have said that you didn't want to touch that nasty thing

You could have just waited until the leech had enough and dropped off by itself, but you had to call your dad...

You deserve it for calling them "love spuds".

azballa 1
jadejazmyn 5

You couldn't have just put some salt on it?

you are in college and dont know how to take a leach off? you deserved it.

For next time... a little salt will get that thing right off. =)