By jab43 - 23/07/2011 00:57 - United States

Today, after returning home from a camping trip, I found a leech on my love spuds. I ended up having to call my dad in to help me get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 065
You deserved it 5 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments


horrorfreak79nj 2

Under normal circumstances this would suck. But you deserve it for referring to your testicles as "love spuds."

Next week he'll be bragging to all his friends that he got sucked off... (Love Spuds? WTF?)

You deserve it for calling your balls love spuds. Stupid.

simonisnotacat 4

love spuds. ermm... how about we ditch the gay nicknames and call them what they are

you deserve it for saying "love spuds".

You shouldn't pull a leech off. You only lose about a teaspoon of blood if you just let it finish and detach itself.

My dad would have just called me a dumbass for using the term "love spuds",then said if I kept talking like that it would be the closest I would ever get to getting a *******.