By gaga - 22/05/2012 07:34 - United States - San Jose

Today, after spending about 5 grand on my home studio over the past year, I realized I have no musical talent whatsoever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 979
You deserved it 39 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why u should've given it a long thought before u actually spend 5k on... Anything, really...

emac123 3

Learn the equipment and make money recording other people


Tali147 16

Are you referring to OP's studio or 25's new boobs..?

smump 0

Maybe try to sell the house to someone that would pay a lot for a studio.

Practice makes perfect you lack confidence

DrBlack 9

I love the fact that your name is gaga, then I can pretend it's the real Lady Gaga finally coming to her senses.

Money doesn't buy talent. Time does. Pick an instrument and practice it for 10,000 hours. Spend money on lessons from the best player in town. 10,000 hours. Read Effortless Mastery by Kenny Werner. It takes work; years of it. Not just a studio. YOU ARE THE MUSIC.

lessons can't always buy talent either, OP could just be tone death

harkerk87 3

Just rent out the studio to someone like sell them studio time

did you get a home studio because you saw it on cribs? Believe it or not, you may not want to copy everything megamillionaires do

reimichele 8

People who may actually have musical talent may not be able to afford all that equipment. Maybe you should allow those people to use your stuff genius. Unpopular opinion: I actually think Lady Gaga is pretty talented under the crazy clothes and make up.

perdix 29

Unpopular? I guess that explains the sparse attendance at her concerts ;) I think she's a very good entertainer.

Mohawkachu 2

Dude it's no big deal, all the best musicians used to suck more than you probably do. Just practice.