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By Anonymous - 11/08/2013 00:04 - United States - Reno

Today, after swimming in the pool, I went into the shower. Little did I know that my niece was hiding in there. She excitedly yelled "I saw your boobs!" Now my nephew won't stop crying because he didn't get to see them as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 394
You deserved it 4 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for having a niece that watches people shower

Even though they sound quite young, both of those kids need to be taught lessons about privacy and appropriateness.


FYL for having a niece that watches people shower

leprechaun23 15

Seriously, who's raising these kids! I always say a bad kid is an example of bad parenting. That particularly not being bad in a more usual way, is actually kind of worse because it's perverted! Those kids need help..

Be grateful op. At least you have boobs worthy enough to be fought over to look at!(:

@25, We don't know how young they are, and it's probably young enough not to be "perverted". Little kids (especially girls!) are interested in female anatomy, especially boobs because they don't have them yet. Boys, too, because it's something they'll (most likely) never have. It's harmless. That being said, OP, I feel for you. I have 4 younger sisters that will sneak around and watch me change or laugh hysterically as I go down stairs because my "boobies jiggle". They'll get over that stage... in a few years. Hopefully.

#34, Those sound like some kids that need a good ass-whoopin/serious discipline.

UnluckyGenius 21

Sometimes it is not the parents, but the other kids, or grandparents that help create a bad child. But thanks for ******** ignorance allover the place #25. If the niece and nephew are young, it is curiosity not perversion.

I agree with 52 and 41 - young kids are generally curious about the human body, especially the adult body. That's how you end up 'playing doctor' with your cousins or whatever. I had a baby brother, so I knew what boys had, and my mother was never shy to be naked around me in the locker rooms at the pool or whatever, but it doesn't surprise me that little kids would want to know, especially if they've been raised in an especially prudish way. Kids who have never seen a woman breast feeding will stare like she's an alien (and some people argue that they shouldn't see, which is stupid, because that is literally what boobs are FOR). If they're like twelve? Then they're probably little perverts. :P

sematariux 7

25, you obviously don't have kids, your biased view on their behavior is ridiculously dumb.

34, That's bad, but I think I win the ****** up cousin award. When I was about 13, my cousin set up a camera in the bathroom. After I showered, they got my many siblings, gathered around a TV, and watched me shower. That way the last day I ever really trusted my cousins.

I have a little girl who is incredible and not a little shit actually I'm probably one of the very few with kids on this section of comments so I think I would know more than you plus all the other idiots on here and my husband has 3 kids also one of them lives with us who is a boy so again I know what I'm talking about a lot more than any of you idiots who are not even 21

25, I have a child and I also have 9 nieces and nephews. One of my nieces and her brothers and sister are all breastfed. Not now but they were as babies. My niece and nephews LOVE boobs. My older nephew would literally climb into my shirt when he was a year old. My niece who is almost 5 loves to watch me breastfeed my son and she always asks questions about it and telling everyone "Bryan is eating booby milk" and touches them. Then says she's got a baby in her belly, she feeds her babies and begs her mommy to use her boobies to feed my son instead of pumped milk anytime my sister babysits. I myself am 20 and I would have to say that just because this child is curious and watched her shower does not make her a bad kid or a pervert. Children are curious. If they are going through puberty acting like that its a different story. So don't be such an uppity bitch saying you and your kids are better than everyone else because your kids are sheltered and don't know how to be curious. Get off your high horse.

cgart96 15

Good ole donkey kick to the face would end that.

25, no, I don't have kids, because I can't have kids, but I'm 27, have more nieces and nephews than you can shake a stick at, and my mother is a daycare educator. I'm around kids all the time. Pretty sure you're wrong there, captain.

RedFox29 10

he probably don't even know what those are....

RedFox29 10

#7 You'd be surprised at all the brats nowadays. Babies aren't the only ones who throw tantrums anymore.

2, my 2 almost 3 year old nephew knows what boobs are.. His brother and sister call them ******* actually.

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PandaKitteh 20

I don't think OP just goes around topless, she was in the shower and her niece surprised her... And why would you tell your little nephew that? That's... Creepy... And inappropriate.-.

I think that 27's thinking of the solution that involves showing the nephew boobs in the name of egalitarity. Not accusing OP of flashing. makes sense no?

Eh, I didn't mean it like that, I guess I could've written it better. I was saying that she shouldn't flash her nephew, even if he was crying, because it would be immoral. Also, as a guy, it wouldn't be so weird to say that to my little nephew. I guess families are raised differently. I wasn't meaning it in a wrong way at all, I just wrote it wrong. So, of course, I'll do the most moral thing here, and apologize!

PhishloverA 14

Either you didn't read the FML or you're illiterate. OP wasn't flashing anyone

Well that's a problem you **** solve.

yeah that's a problem, but actually the solution is quite simple. but of course FYL OP

#5, firstly: bad pun. Secondly: still a bad statement regardless of the terrible pun.

PandaKitteh 20

This FML isn't about the ****, it's all about the *******! So it was a bad pun for being unrelated.

I can't believe their is no FML badge for being buried for the first time.

Even though they sound quite young, both of those kids need to be taught lessons about privacy and appropriateness.

Redoxx_fml 22

Unless they want to be stars on Game of Thrones

klutchh4 9

If theyre young, just shake it off, they will forget about it in an hour. If theyre older, well, they're creeps

Would be quite funny watching a 30 year old nephew crying because he missed out. However, I'm going to assume the niece and nephew are young!

My 5 year old sister thinks my boobs are like seperate little stomachs. So maybe if they know what boobs are, they're old enough to know what's inappropriate? Or my sister's just weird.

When I was younger I thought kissing was how babies were made. I kind of miss being a kid. All I cared about were Saturday morning cartoons. :)

Yeah, same! Once I even walked in my parents room at night to check on the time because they had a clock in their room (which I usually did when I couldn't sleep) and my dad just yells, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KNOCK!" and I was surprised why he was so mad. I respond, "Why should I knock? You're just sleeping, it's not like you're doing anything." I was so naive. I had no clue. They probably thought I knew when I said that though. Rant is over, haha.

That wasn't very descriptive but it put the image of a 5 year old speaking perfectly clearly, but innocently asking why she had to knock while her dad was pumping her mom. Kind of ******* disturbing

I would be worried if they cared that much about it...

cottoncandymango 17

#11 Even men and young children have boobs? (I do know that some men can grow boobs too but just saying most don't)

ArtinHopar 16

Actually, they do have breasts. For men they aren't used, nor do they develop into what we refer to as "boobs" on women, but the breast tissue and nipples are there. Children have them too. I already explained guys, but female children have breasts that haven't developed yet. Anatomy lesson.