By Dig4life - 05/06/2015 13:42 - United States - Kent

Today, after telling my mom that I'll be going to Las Vegas with my dad for my 21st birthday, she started ranting about how my dad always wanted to abort me and that she was the only one who actually wanted me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 774
You deserved it 2 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bruhsco 8

You can really sense the love...

bleedingglitter 24

My mom hates it when I spend any time with my dad or show him any kind of love so I kinda get this.


well, now we know why your dad left her

There was nothing said about them being divorced /separated or if he left her. For all we know she could have left him if they're not together. Assumptions make people look stupid. This is one of those occasions.

if that were the case, why wouldn't the mom be going as well? secondly, when you tell a parent you are going somewhere else with the other parent a divorce/separation is usually the cause. if we get a follow up and it turns out I'm wrong, then I will be the first to admit it. I make judgments and assumptions based upon information given. also, most parents say horrible things about the other spouse like she did if a divorce or separation is part of the picture. it's okay sweetie, you must feel very bad about yourself to insult someone you don't know by calling them names. I wouldn't expect an intelligent response back :)

Apparently people agree with me considering I'm getting the thumbs up and you're not. Looking stupider at the moment aren't you? It's alright booboo ignorance gets the best of us.

lol are you now? should look again sweet heart, sometimes it's better just to let things go. also, thanks for "intelligent" response back :) I don't expect too Much from a 19 year old.

by the way, stupider isn't a word, do I need to give you a dictionary as well?

Either she's jealous that you're using your time to travel with your dad or she's offended you didn't think of inviting her. Either way, a little extreme.

If your dad loves you now, then it doesn't matter what he wanted before. Ignore your mom and spend time with your dad.

Just what I was thinking. What a great gift and nice way to welcome OP into adulthood.

Jealousy can sometimes be presented as anger. Don't be too hard on her.

gintwinsmoore 20

Wow should've sang "Let It Go" to your mom right then and there!

praesidiem 16

There's no justification for her grim demeanor, but talk to your mom, OP. She may feel completely excluded, especially if you don't do activities like this with her. Plus, I'm sure she feels her little bird is leaving the nest, moms get like that. Good luck!

Okay so does she want to come along? Either way father son time is good...have fun Op

I'm hoping that it was a bottle talking instead of your mother being truthful.

The truth usually comes out when drinking #21 I wouldn't say that'd be any better..

Well it seems you're wanted by all now. You must be cool, good for you.