By goingnowherefast - 09/02/2013 00:19 - United States - Butler

Today, after three and a half years of working dead-end jobs with a bachelor's degree, I got a call from a potential employer in my degree field, who wanted to set up an interview. The problem: the interview is across the country, and I'm too broke to pay the travel expenses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 757
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capt_Oblivious 10

Skype interview. Much cheaper.


kiroarous 9

Airlines also will give u a discount (big one) If u agree to put in on a credit cards of theirs and pay it off 3 months later

yzzami 17

A thousand dollars to get to an interview for a job you might not get. You may have been saved from an expensive letdown

Request a telephone interview. You should not have to travel a long distance just for a job interview. They should be pretty understanding about that. If not, they are assholes so you should not work for them. My most recent job was the result of a telephone interview

My company has been using Google Hangouts for doing long-distance interviews. It's free and very easy to use with multiple people (we usually have several people from our company take part in interviews).

But hey what if you went across country and they didn't hire you, then it would've sucked more. But still i feel bad for you

I know exactly how that feels... Sometimes I wonder y I got my degree in the first place

We do phone interviews all the time. It doesn't really put the pressure on the interviewee, but very helpful for circumstances like these.