By … - 28/06/2012 14:20 - United States

Today, after three months of them dating, I finally met the guy my best friend claims she's in love with. To my horror, she's dating the douchebag that I had a one-night stand with a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 445
You deserved it 6 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccoole727 13

You should tell her, though it may break her heart, she deserves to know.


**** these assholes, they dont deserve to be with someone, why do chicks keep falling for them??

jessughka 10

Hope you let her know he's a total douche

Are you gonna at least tell her..? Cause if he had a one night stand with you, imagine how many other girls he's been with. He's been with your friend for three months yet he hooked up with you. He obviously isn't faithful and she doesn't deserve to be lied to like that. You being her friend, you should tell her.

I was in a similar situation and I would tell her. It wouldn't be your fault because the douchebag let it happen. If she's your best friend, she would believe you and it's probably not the first time it has happened.

Well, is he good enough for your friend?

bubo_fml 10

Serious blackmail material!!

**** that. Where did the concept of "respecting the woman you're dating and treating her the way you would want to be treated" go, huh? Women deserve better.

You should probably tekk ur bestfriend or let her figure it out