By … - 28/06/2012 14:20 - United States

Today, after three months of them dating, I finally met the guy my best friend claims she's in love with. To my horror, she's dating the douchebag that I had a one-night stand with a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 445
You deserved it 6 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccoole727 13

You should tell her, though it may break her heart, she deserves to know.


you need to tell her. if she finds out some other way your friendship is over. it would be best if you and the boyfriend told her together, as he needs to own up for what he's done. You did no wrong, but don't expect her to accept that. sometimes the right thing sucks. but that doesn't make it less the right thing

rightspark 7

Sounds like someone wanted more than just a one night stand;)

Why is he a douche bag? Need some details otherwise you are just another angry chick

How do you think? If nothing else, he obviously cheated on the OP's best friend in order to have said one night stand, as if that's not enough to make OP angry, like a good friend should be

I'm wondering how the guy reacted. He must have been sweating bullets.

YDI for having one-night stands. But if he didn't tell you he was in a relationship, you should be in the clear. Tell her now and don't hide it, or you'll also be considered a guilty party.

22cute 17

Save your friend the heartache, Op!