By … - 28/06/2012 14:20 - United States

Today, after three months of them dating, I finally met the guy my best friend claims she's in love with. To my horror, she's dating the douchebag that I had a one-night stand with a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 445
You deserved it 6 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccoole727 13

You should tell her, though it may break her heart, she deserves to know.


hennessy89 34

Hope you told her, because it sounds like she should have an FML too.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

1 night stands are never okay,, its gross,, all fun till you catch something

As long as you and that partner are practicing safe sex, I dont see what the problem is. Now, I've never had one (and never will) but those are my preferences, which differ to others and that's perfectly ok. I don't see one night stands as being gross, it's people having fun (hopefully safely) and doing what they want to do. Welcome to 2012.

horsegirl01 0

I hope you told her or you would be like Lauren from make it or break it.

To tell her, Or not to tell her...That is your dilemma.

Reality_bites 14

Get him to tell her. If she's in love with him she wont want to hearbelieve it. If you tell her she will most likely choose to believe him over you when he denies it and/or until solid evidence supports your story. In her eyes you will become the jealous unhinged friend trying to ruin her happiness if you tell her now and she will start avoiding your company thus putting a strain on the friendship. Talk to him instead. Maybe you can get him to tell her or change the way he treats her in the future (ie not cheat on her).