By … - 28/06/2012 14:20 - United States

Today, after three months of them dating, I finally met the guy my best friend claims she's in love with. To my horror, she's dating the douchebag that I had a one-night stand with a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 445
You deserved it 6 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccoole727 13

You should tell her, though it may break her heart, she deserves to know.


If you truly care about her, you need to tell her ASAP. Three months given to a cheating douchebag sucks, but the longer you stay silent, the worse for her.

Say_GorJess 3

Tell her. She is probably going to be pissed off at you (unfortunately the female mind works bizarre ways in these cases) but if she knows what and who is good for her, she will dumps that sleaze and still be your friend. If she does not, at least you have done what is right. It would be much much worse if you didn’t tell her and she found out anyway. Besides, who knows what that idiot might tell her? He is obviously untrustworthy and could blame it on you.

Rocky007 15

You slept with your friends boyfriend and you think YOU have an FML? I think your friend should be on here.

He's the douchebag because you had a one night stand with him? I think he's a douche for having sex with you while in a relationship with your friend. However, I don't think you get to call names when you were a willing participant in the sex. I feel this is your friends FML, after all it was your choice to let him put his dick in you. You hold responsibility for that fully!

dieselguy82 0

Silly rabbit tricks are for kids.

Tell her. She needs to know ASAP, especially if she considers it a serious relationship. She can't get mad at you because you didn't know it was her boyfriend when you slept with him.