By xxlenalunaxx - 29/04/2015 11:11 - United States

Today, after waiting for 2 weeks for the right moment to meet my boyfriend's mom, she walked in as I was straddling him, trying to prove that I'd win in a wrestling match. I guess we met, then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 589
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you had clothes on! you did have clothes on, right?

trellz17 19


"We were wrestling, I swear! No, that's not a condom on the night stand. Hi, allow me to introduce myself..."

theoldman 22

If I were a mom and this happened, I would probably just laugh.

I'm sure you straddled him real hard, if you know what I mean.

"..I was straddling him.." Doesn't that tell you? As far as I know, when you're straddling someone, you're on top.

Does your boyfriend live with his mom? Because, if so, it would seem a bit weird for you to go over to the house without formally meeting her first. Hopefully she also at least knew of you, even if you two hadn't offficially met, that would take some edge off the situation.

gloriousarea 8

OP is this one of those things where you knew him before knowing he is dating your mom or... i mean im confused. please explain lol

What? haha OP hadn't met her boyfriend's mom before; while at his house, his mom came into the room while OP was on top of him (this was the first time OP and her boyfriend's mom had met)

Yea, no matter the outcome he was always meant to win that bet.

That's gonna be hard to explain. Sorry, OP. Hope your boyfriend's mom can look past it!